Status: Sorry it took so long to update! I had a little writers block

iGet Revenge


Sam sat down at the cold metal desk. She'd been called down to see a therapist.
"So Sam, talk to me about yourself." The therapist asked, she had short brown hair and bright red lips.Her eyes shone a bright blue color and her jaw-line was strong.
"Let's cut the crap lady, what do you want from me?"
"I want to get to know you Sam."
Sam rolled her eyes and sat back. "Well, all you need to know is that i didn't do it."
"Alright. Who did it then?"
"What's your name anyway?" Sam asked.
"Susan Warsaw,now please answer my question."
"Carly Shea, Carly Shea did it." Sam spat. "I thought she was my friend, but she just wanted my boyfriend."
"And why was that?"
"I don't know. He used to like her but Freddie and I..."
"You love each other?" Susan asked leaning forward on her desk. Sam looked up and stared at Susan for a minute.
"What am i talking to you for? I don't have to tell you anything."
"It might be better if you do. You see, I am going have to report your progress to the courts, If they feel like you're stable they might let you go."
"Why would they let someone who they think is a serial killer run the streets? Quite frankly Susan, that's dumb." Sam spat. Susan opened her mouth as if to say something but closed it quickly. "You know that."
"Sam, does that mean that you don't want to be free?"
"Of course I want to get out of here, I hate it here, but I'm looking at this logically. I probably won't get out. I'm done, I'm going to bed." Sam stood up and walked to the door, right as she grabbed the handle Susan spoke.
"Good session today Sam, I'll see you soon." Sam rolled her eyes and stepped out in the hallway and walked down the hall to her room, two guards following her the whole way.
"Hey there Puckett." Maniac said from her top bunk. "Where have you been?"
"Out" Sam replied as she crawled into her hard cold bunk.
"I've been thinking about your nick name. I think we're gonna' call you Slasher. It's real simple but it'll do."
"Fine with me. I'm going to bed now."
"Why ? Lights out isn't for another half hour."
"I don't really care Maniac, i really don't."
Sleep was the only place where Sam could escape from juvie. It was the only place where she could be with Freddie.
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Comment please! I need to know how i'm doing, thanks a bunch.