Time Heals Nothing

one of one

Dear Jake,
I hate this place. I hate that I'm not with you. I hate that I miss you so much. I miss your bright green eyes, your smile, and the way your nose crinkles when you laugh. I miss everything about you. I thought eventually I'd stop missing you, but it seems that I only miss you more with each passing day. I want to be able to call you and tell you about how it sucks here, but I can't. It sucks because the bed isn't as warm without you lying next to me. It sucks because I don't have you arms wrapped around me, and your breath tickling my neck as I fall asleep. It sucks because everything feels so empty here without you. I should be happy with where I am, because things could be so much worse, but I'm not. I'm miserable here without you. I can't stand that I don't have your hand clasping mine while I walk. I can't stand that I don't get to hear you laughing at stupid movies. I can't stand that your voice has drained from my head. I can't remember what you sound like. I can't remember your laugh, your voice, or the songs you would play on guitar. I don't remember it and it scares me. Am I forgetting you? I hope not. I hope I'll never forget you, and I hope that you don't forget me, if you haven't already. I hope that I meant as much to you as you did to me. I hope you still love me where ever you are. I hope you still remember what I look like. Mostly, I hope you're happy. Maybe you've moved on by now, but I can't blame you. You can't hang on to me forever. The memories may always be in your heart, but I'm no longer there right next to you. I hate that. I'll never be right next to you again.
With all the love we held for each other, we got lost along the way. We've gotten so lost that no maps, or roadways can bring us back together. We're worlds apart now Jake but I hope you still remember how much I love you.

P.S. Heaven feels like Hell without you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this is a very short one-shot.
I wrote this very quickly in about ten minutes so excuse the shit quality, but I liked the idea of this.
I wrote it from the perspective that Liam is dead, and he is writing to his love that is still very much alive.
I was going to include a drunk driving accident explaining the death, and what separated them, but I decided to keep it short other wise I would just ramble on and ruin a perfectly good story. Okay well maybe it's not that good, but whatever..
Now I'm rambling so yeahh.
I hope you like it!