Ryan and Skye... The Truth About His Love

<< Stuck In A Rut >>

The throbbing guitar and slow, pulsing drums set up the whole mood for the evening. It was 9.30 at Glusburn, and we were playing our very first gig.

It was dark... quiet in the audience... and the atmosphere was that no one really knew what to make of this new band that. No one had heard of us until tonight. Until 5 minutes ago.

The whole room started to jump when Jess came in with the chords, and then the room exploded into light.


'Thankyou, goodnight.' I said to the crowd, high-fived Jess and we all went offstage. 'Haha... guys. You were all great!' I told them, and they all told me I was great back.

But... I already knew that. Hehe. 'Hey, Sam! you managed that solo really well!' I grinned at her.

'Aww... thanks! That drumkit... woah. It's weird!' she replied. I laughed.
'To be honest... I didn't think you would have been able to do it.' I joked, and she pushed me, laughing.

'Guys? I'm gonna go get some food, yeah?' Jess said, and James and Sam decided to go with her.

I went back into the main hall to stand with my friends while the next band came on, Inferi. They were very good, a new band like us, but this was their fourth gig. They had a good set, but I didn't want to watch them.

I wanted to find Skye and see how she was liking the music. I went into the main downstairs hall, heading towards the door. Spence ran in, looking very worried. He slid to a stop, grabbing my shoulders and demanding to know where Ryan was.

'Woah, what's wrong with you?' I asked him back.
'Just... where is he?!' he asked back.
'I... I don't know Spence!!' I said honestly. He frowned. I frowned. then he just walked off.


I watched Inferi for abit, and then decided I needed some air. I went outside, and saw Spence sat on the wall.

'Hey Spence, what's up mate?' I asked, noting the fact he was smoking... like never before... and he was hunched up.

'Uh... nothing.' he said quickly, dropping the cig and standing up in a rush. As he did so, he wobbled dangerously and came close to falling over.

'Spence. Talk to me, yes?' I told him, making him look at me. He was slightly red, and he smelt of alcohol. He mumbled something, trying to look away.

'Oh... you've been drinking.' I stated, disappointed in him. He nodded slightly. 'And smoking... Spence, what's going on?'

He sighed loudly, the stench of alcohol and smoke filling the air around us.

'It's him. And her. They're together...!!' he said, standing up straight, and pushing my hands away from his arms where they were holding him up.

I frowned. 'Who? Who and who, Spence?'

'Ryan! Ryan and Skye are together!!' he yelled, and walked off into the night.