
Second house

The last chapter, and the chapter before that mentioned another house. Well, I've moved a lot. The house that I'm about to talk about is quite the house. Seriously, you're never going to find another like it.

This is when I was neighbors with Geoff, and Glen and Donna. And this house, without hesitation is my favorite house ever. And it always will be.

When my mom decided it was time for us to move, I was going into grade six. We decided to do it in the summer so my sisters and I wouldn't be stressed out during school. But it was stressful to find a house, because in Fort Macleod... It's small. There's not a lot of places really, and plus we had to find one within our budget.

I remember when we were looking, Courtney and I spotted this fantastic house. It was painted bright yellow, and bright blue. With a red door. The windows had paintings on them, like ladybugs, or giant suns. And in the back, the deck had a giant green roof. Seriously, and this was just the beginning of awesomeness.

After convincing Brittany and my mom for a while, and trust me, it took a while. Brittany complained that the bright colors hurt her eyes. She obviously got used to it. But this is the house we moved into.

My entire family came into town to help us move everything. In the process of moving by the way, we lost a couch cushion. We found it a week later though.

I would say to close your eyes, but then you wouldn't be able to read this. So, just try to imagine the house; when you open the red door, you're in the front porch. Which is basically like a sun room, and it looks fantastic. There's a giant window to the left, where you can see the living room. There's also a big wooden door, which you obviously go through.
Once you're through the door, you can see straight through to the backyard. You also see stairs, and then my moms room is to the right.

My moms room was a new addition to the house actually. They built it a few years before we moved in I guess. The trim was the same blue as the outside, but the walls were tan. Her room is where we kept all the movies and the computer. Also in her room was an ensuite, which was also the main bathroom. We later painted it white and purple.
There's also a door from my moms room that leads into the dining room. And from the dining room, you can see the front door again. So it's like you just went straight.

In the dining room, it's white. There's a chandelier, and a huge window that looks into the neighbors yard. Well, mainly onto their deck. And of course, the dining room has a table and chairs. Duh. But it also has a blue door that leads onto the deck, which is orange.

From the dining room, you go left into the kitchen. This kitchen is so freaking huge. It can hold probably about my entire family. Sure, we'd be a little squished. But we could all fit. Unlike my current one, which only holds two skinny people. If we're lucky.

The kitchen was white, and the drawers and cabinets had blue trim. It looked so nice. And from that, you go into a tiny porch, where one person can stand. There's another red door that also leads onto the deck. So then you're in the backyard.

In the backyard, you have the deck. The deck is lovely, and has the lovely blue colored poles. I have to admit right now, I used to twirl on them. I was young, it was fun. It didn't occur to me that hookers did the same thing.

Back to the dining room now. When you walk down the hall to get to the front door, there's two doors to our basement. The basement isn't finished. It's cold, it's where the laundry is. No big deal.

Keep going down that hall, and just before the front door, is the living room. Yes, I didn't forget about it. In the living room, we had a lovely gas fireplace. It was always warm in the house, but never too warm.
I remember when Brittany got her Wii, she brought it into the living room and played bowling while in the kitchen. The kitchen and living room have a wall dividing them, so we were quite amused.

And now we're back to the front door. The only place we haven't seen, is upstairs. So you go upstairs, and the stairs by the way, are the coolest stairs ever. They were painted white, and had masking tape all along them, measured apart perfectly. But you didn't know it was tape, cause the previous owners hand painted a floral design over it all. Through all of the steps.

So once you're upstairs, if you look straight ahead, you see my room. But closet to the stairs, just to the left is Courtney's room.
Courtney's room was the biggest of them all. And it was also a bright yellow. Not a darker yellow like the rest of the house, but a bright yellow. She had posters all over, and two closets. At one point, she had her bed and mine in there after I got a new one.

My room was the smallest. It's probably the size of the computer room I'm in at the moment, which is really small. Probably the size of a janitors closet, give or take.
The walls were all white, but the roof made the room perfect. It was painted a sky blue, and had clouds painted on it and glow in the dark star and moon stickers. I really wish I had pictures to show you, cause this room... I can't even.
I had a long closet, but I couldn't hang anything. It was just for storage mainly.

Now, to the right of the stairs, there's a tiny hall. You walk two steps, and you're outside the hall closet and the bathroom. Which is a bright orange. Much like the headers on the 'My Mibba' page. You know, where it says Messages, Old Messages, Account, etc.
I was the only one that showered in that bathroom. I liked that.

And beside the bathroom was Brittany's room. It was a long room, and it was dark red. Like maroon or something. Her room, I never liked going in it. The color was annoying and the smell... Oh the smell. Ugh.

So, that was my house. Everyone called it the Crayola house, because that's what it was. But when we moved, no one wanted to buy it so we rented it.

Our experience with renters is really horrible. Seriously.

Our first renters wrecked the stairs. They had a dog that tore a chunk out of them. They badly painted Brittany's one wall purple. Just one wall. Not all, just one. A bright purple, and a dark red. It looked hideous.
And in Courtney's room, their teenage daughter wrote in the closet with permanent marker. Dumbass.

Our second renters; what the crap? They paid their rent. Good. They moved in. Good. And then they vanished mysteriously. What?
Yeah, no one knows what happened to them. The lady worked, so we called her workplace, and even they didn't know. So... Moving on.

The last renters were the worst. It was a girl and her boyfriend, with her two sons. Well... They were good for a bit. But then her boyfriend left her, so she had to move. Well, she had painted all of the walls a tan color, and it was done as if a one year old did it. Actually, a baby would have done better.
The lady had broken a window, but refused to pay to get it fixed. When we were cleaning their stuff out cause she wouldn't, we found out they tried selling some of the furniture we had let them use. We were letting them use it to be nice, and figured we would get it when the house sold. They also broke the furniture they attempted to sell.

It was funny. When we were cleaning the living room of their stuff, we found a stripper pole. My boyfriend, who is now my ex, told me I should keep it.
We also found a lot of porn. It was creepy. And in my rage, I downloaded a bunch of crap onto her laptop and got her a virus. Uh, don't piss me off.

This same renter eventually tried to sue us, with a police officer that wasn't actually a real police officer. Fail.

This house has now sold, we gave up on renters. But if given the chance to get this house back, even though it's my favorite; I couldn't do it. The damage done can't be replaced. I loved this house as it was when we owned it. But it's been painted and destroyed, and I couldn't repair that.
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Thanks for reading guys, writing my memories down is actually the best thing I've done on Mibba. If you guys want to write yours down in a story, please let me know. I'd be more then happy to read your memories. :)

Thanks guys.

-Ashley Dawn