Status: Completed

Death by Charms

Chapter Two

"Hey David, so how was your day?" Yes. David and I were friends again. It felt good to have back a small portion of my old life back. Why had I been so stupid? If I never would have cheated, Blaine would be with me right now.
"Kurt," Aiden yelled up from downstairs. "Who are you on the phone with?" I moved in with Aiden when I found out that Dad and Carol were expecting a new baby. They said it was alright if I stayed, but I insisted. I mean, if Finn moved out to live with Rachel, I should too. To let Dad and Carol have time to play house with the new child arriving soon. It was only two months until Senior year was over. So Aiden and I rented a tiny, single bedroom apartment with an attic.
"No one, just a telemarketer," I quickly lied.
"Well, come down stairs, babe. Dinner's done." I could almost hear that huge grin I imagined him wearing.
"David," I whispered. "I have to go. I love you." Okay, it's not what you think. I am not cheating on Aiden with the same person I lost Blaine to. He's a friend and an ex (sort of). Can't I tell a friend I love them? The reason I was whispering was that if Aiden knew who I was talking to, he would get super jealous and assume I was cheating. After Blaine, never will I ever cheat again.
I hung up the phone and ran down the stairs. When I got to the bottom, I was stunned. The table looked beautiful. Our ten dollar, Goodwill-boughten table looked fantastic; A crimson cloth to hide the dings and dents, two single candles, two wine glasses, and two plates with my favorite dish, baked chicken and potatoes. Then I saw Aiden, stand right beside the table, waiting for my approval.
"So? You like? I worked super hard, so if you don't, pretend you do," he chuckled.
I was truly stunned by his hard work, "Aiden, it's gorgeous, just like someone I know."
"Mercedes?" he joked.
"No, silly. You." I kissed his forehead, "Shall we eat?"
We sat down and ate our dinner and after we were finished, Aiden grabbed my hand and leaded me to our bedroom. Naturally, we started making out. After a few minutes, Aiden tried to take my jeans off.
"Woah there," I said. He ignored and continued.
"Hey, stop," I commanded.
"Oh come on, babe," he whined.
"No, I'm not have sex until I'm married. Now get off," I pushed him off me and stormed out the door, only grabbing my jacket with car keys in the pocket.
"Where are you going?" he hollered.
"David's. I'll be back tomorrow."