Status: Completed

Death by Charms

Chapter Three

"Thanks for letting my crash here. I've missed you," I said while plopped down on the couch.
David sat down next to me, holding a cup of coffee and smiled at me, "I've missed you too. So, tell me again why your here."
I told him the whole story about my night.
"God! What an ass! You know, I would never do that to you," he said implying while setting the coffee cup on the small table.
"David, you're the one who broke us up," I reminded him. "Because you were too afraid of everyone knowing you were gay."
"But, that has all changed!" he exclaimed. "I am an out and proud man now. I've accepted myself and so has everyone else."
"That's wonderful," I smiled.
"So, you think maybe we can, you know, get back together?" he grinned warmly.
"For one, we weren't really ever together and two, I have a boyfriend, Aiden. Remember?"
"Yeah, but I would never pressure you like that. I love you too much to lose you again." he said sincerely as he moved in to kiss me.
I leaned in to responded back to his actions, but stopped myself, "David, I can't, I'm sorry."
Forgetting that ever happened, he asked if I would like some coffee.
I politely declined, "Where can I sleep? I'm quite exhausted."
He took me to his bedroom and said I could sleep in his bed and he'd take the couch.
"Thank you," I told him. "Thank you so much."
"Don't worry about it, just sleep," he tucked me in as if I was a five year old child, kissed my forehead and doused the lights on his way out.

I woke up to the smell of bacon cooking. I yawned, stretched and made my way to the kitchen to see what delicious food what being made.
"Well, hello Sleeping Beauty. You sure slept a long time. You sleep well?" David asked looked over his shoulder and away from the bacon, hashbrowns, and eggs that he was cooking all at once.
I glanced around for a clock. It was already one p.m.! "How could you let me sleep that long?" I playfully slapped him. "And you made me food? How dare you not wake me up and demand I help!"
"You had a bad night, so I let you sleep! Now go sit down and wait for your food," he insisted.
I walked out of the kitchen and did as I was told. When the food was actually done, I realized I was super hungry. After we were both finished, I told David I had to go.
"No, you can't leave!" I cried. "I just got you again!"
"I really have to leave. Aiden is probably already worried and jealous. Thank you very much for the food and a place to sleep."
That's when I walked out the door.