Status: Completed

Death by Charms

Chapter Four

When I got back to my house, I tried to walk in as quietly as possible, hoping that Aiden wouldn't hear me. He did.
He came rushing down the stairs, "Where have you been?" The way he said it reminded me of Ron's mom in that one Harry Potter movie.
I laughed out loud at my joke, "David's, like I said."
"What's so funny?" he quickly snapped.
"Nothing," I gave him a skeptical look, "Calm down, Aiden."
"I can't calm down when I have a boyfriend that's cheating on me!" he cried.
"Aiden," I said in a calm tone. "I'm not cheating on you."
"Don't lie to me!" At that, he promptly struck me across my face with the back of his hand. This caught me so off guard, I stumbled to the floor. After a few moments, I stood up, refusing to let him do that to me.
"Aiden," I gasped. "What was that?"
He took a few steps closer and attempted to kiss it, thinking that it would make this all disappear
"No," I pushed him away forcefully.
"Kurt, I'm sorry! I really didn't mean that." Suddenly, he got down on one knee, "Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, marry me and I swear to you, this will never happen again," he pleaded.
My hands flew to my face and I gasped, but then rememeber the slap. Ow, I thought in my mind. "Okay, I take your word, but if this does happens again, I'll be out of here faster than you can say 'jazz hands.'"
"So, is that a yes?" his eyes sparkled.
Tears were in his eyes as he leapt to his feet and threw his arms around me, "I love you, Kurt."
"I love you too, Aiden," I sighed.

Graduation day, I couldn't believe it was finally here. After four years of a living hell, it was all over. I see my fellow glee-clubers in their robes and caps identical to mine, red with white piping around the sleeves, collar and bottom. Of course, Rachel was valedictorian. She started her hour speech, "Ladies and gentlemen of William McKinley's 2012 graduating class..." At that, I zoned off and thought. I thought about Aiden, marriage, Blaine, love, David, lust. I was just getting started on the thoughts brewing inside my brain when I hear a high pitched, "Thank you all."
"Kurt? It's time for food," Aiden yelled over the loud tears, applauds and cheers.
I sprang up out of my set, "Free food? I'm in!" We got up and began to walk away when Aiden realized he had forgotten his cap on the hard, metal folding chair. "I'll get it," I told him.
When I turned around to grab the cap, I saw him. It was Blaine. Tears began to fill my eyes. I reached out to try and touch him, to hold him again. My hands went right through him. When I realized it was just my imagination, I fell to my knees with my hands covering my face to hide the fact I was crying. But the noise was so loud, I don't think it mattered.
"Kurt!" I heard over the crowd. "Kurt, are you alright?" I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Aiden standing over me with him standing behind Aiden.
Kurt, he whispered, Kurt, how could you do this, again? You cheated on me again, Kurt. Be ashamed of yourself. Be ashamed.
"Aiden," I sobbed. "We have to leave."
"But," he started.
"No," I stopped him. "Now."