Status: Completed

Sharpest Lives to the Dullest Deaths

Chapter Two

The next day, I felt so much more alive. But, I'm dead, so... you get what I'm trying to say. Anyways, I had a lot more energy, so I decided to go find Frank, he seemed nice. Well, they all seemed really nice, except for Bob. I wonder what has him so disenchanted.
I don't get very far in my search for Frainke because the guard at the front of the hospital door stopped me. "But I have to find Frank," I protested.
"Just get back to your room," the guard commanded. "I'll send him up." I sighed, hung my head and walked back up the stairs to my room.

About an hour later, Frankie showed up, "What'cha need?" he asked cheerily.
"I want to leave We'll Carry On. Is that possible?" I ask.
Frank leaned in close and in a hushed voice he said, "I'll tell you something, you have to starve in the land of the plenty before you can dine in the land of the few."
"What does that supposed to mean?" I questioned him, eyebrow raised, and very confused now.
"I don't know. You tell me!" he exclaimed. I think he's a little off his rocker.
I shook my head, "So get me out of here, yes?" I pleaded.
He sighed, "Fine, come with me." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed.
When I got to my feet, I realized that I was wearing really unattractive looking hospital attire, "Hey Frankie, can we get me out of there ugly things?"
His eye lit up, "Shopping!"