The Sacrament

01 I Hear Your Breathe So Far From Me

Her voice echoed in his ear, he smiled as he thought of his accomplishments. They were in love, crazy for each other but she had to go it. It wasn’t meant to be. He would’ve gone and found her but he was too weak, too fragile, too out of his mind. One day he will get that feeling back. One day she will come back to him.

Violet smiled as she shut the book wiping her tears away. She grabbed her mug of hot cocoa and looked outside, she admired the beautiful winters. The white covered trees, the smoke coming out of the chimneys; and the lights from the Christmas trees lighting up family’s windows. The tall voluptuous woman stood up letting her curly brunette hair fall over her shoulders. She began to walk to the kitchen when the phone began to ring.

“Hello?” She answered politely.

“Violet Anderson, we need to have a discussion.” Her boss was furious, his tone was very unwelcoming.

“What is it Bill?” She rolled her eyes.

“Your story, the public hated it. The pictures, they were horrid.” He yelled.

“Bill, Danielle Steel was very impatient, she wanted the pictures taken and wanted me out of there. She didn’t like me one bit. She didn’t even like me asking questions about her ‘wonderful’ books.”

“Well, you’re lucky the press is giving you one more try. You’re lucky I haven’t fired you, get your ass to work tomorrow and be ready to fly to London!” He hung up leaving her speechless.

Great another famous person.

She pulled up her curly hair into a sloppy bun, changed into her fiancés large shirt then lay down in her king size bed. Her fiancé was never home, he worked all day and night, he traveled a lot around the world but she still loved him. He was good to her. She turned the light blue shaded lamp off and began to doze off thinking of the next person she would be interviewing. She thought maybe it was Stephen King or James Patterson, someone with a great imagination. Violet tried really hard with Danielle Steel but she just wouldn’t budge which made Violet look bad, her boss was right, she was lucky not to be fired. She was lucky the press was giving her one more chance. She finally fell asleep dreaming of her wedding day.

Violet woke up, her make-up smeared from one cheek to the other. Not realizing what time it was, she got up, got dressed, ate breakfast and left the house. She looked at the radio noticing she had ten minutes to get to work, which meant no coffee which led to her being cranky all day. She sped up but it didn’t help, she was more then ten minutes late, she knew that was going to get in more of a hole then she had already dug up. Violet hopped out of the small car, ran to the front doors and saw her boss standing there.

“You’re late.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“I know I’m sorry. I didn’t realize what time it was.” She gave him a smirk, put her bag on her shoulder and started to walk to the cafeteria for a small cup of coffee.

“Do you have your stuff packed and ready to hit the airport?” He started walking down the hall way to his office.

“Yes, all in the trunk of my car.” She turned around and followed him making an awkward gesture as to mocking him. “Who am I interviewing this time?”

“Violet, your heading to London to see one of the most famous writers, one who is counting on looking good in your interview!” He exclaimed with a loud tone of voice. “Here is your flight ticket, grab what you need from your office, might be the last time you ever see it. Grab your things and get out.”

She grabbed the tickets and headed to her office only to see her co-workers staring at her wondering where she was going. She got a big smile on her face screaming ‘I’m going to London!’. They all began to cheer for her, with happy expressions. Violet headed out with her belongings and drove to the airport knowing that this time she wasn’t going to screw up.