Falling In


Stella Grace Descenzo ; December Of 2011

“You’re going where?” my best friend asked me, eyes like saucers.

“Florida,” I told him as I put the rest of my stuff in my luggage.

“Why there?” he asked.

I shrugged at him. “My boss is making me do the photography for an article about Florida and it’s hot spots,” I told him.

“Why all the way to Florida? And hot spots. Stella Grace, you are a professional photographer for models. You take pictures of celebrities. You take pictures for Victoria’s Secret. What the fuck is he making you do, sending you to Florida to take pictures of Disney World?!” he asked incredulously.

“It’s my job to take pictures, Deegan,” I told him. “I’d take any job. Plus, I get a mini vacation, and I get VIP treatment while I’m there,” I grinned as I attempted to zip my luggage close.

“When are you leaving?” my best friend asked.

I looked at the watch that was on my wrist before I answered him. “In two hours. So could you please drop me off?” I pleaded.

“Fine,” he huffed. “But because you are my bestfriend, and because I support your crazy career,” he said. “And I am extremely jealous that you are going off to the Sunshine State while we’re in the middle of a blizzard here,” he huffed.

“I’m not too happy about it,” I frowned. “Meaning I don’t get to snowboard for a couple weeks until I finish this assignment,” I pouted. “But I’ll be back before the Winter X-Games because I’m shooting that one too,” I smiled.

“I should’ve just taken photography. I could’ve made as much money as you already,” he grumbled under his breath as he helped me get my luggage out of my loft, out into the snow and into his Jeep Commander.

I carefully took my camera bag that held my life in it. Yes, my camera and lenses. I never thought that I could use it to make a living, but obviously, I made it work out in the end. My parents had been supportive about it too, which was something I appreciated the most about them.

Speaking of family, I needed to let my brother know that I was going out of town.

I set the bag down, securing it on the backseat of Deegan’s vehicle and reached for my phone, dialing an all too familiar phone number.

“Hello?” his voice answered.

“Hey bro,” I said to the receiver.

“Oh, hey sis. What’s up?”

“I’m going out of town. Going to Florida for a project. I’ll be back in two weeks or so, yeah?” I smiled as I hopped into the passenger’s seat and held my hands in front of the vent to warm them up. Deegan followed after me and turned the ignition to start the engine of the car and began the drive

There was a short pause on the other end of the line. “Are you still avoiding them, Stella?” he asked me softly. I froze, knowing that I had been caught. I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned how long I would be gone, my brother knew me the best out of everyone in my family. My voice had been caught in my throat that the late response seemed to be a ‘yes’ to him. “It’s been three years Stells, you cannot keep avoiding this time of the year. You were young and reckless, can you just please get through it?” he asked.

“I have to go Jacob,” I stated, my voice surprisingly not breaking and hung up on my brother, putting the phone on silent and placed it into the pockets of my jeans praying to God that it doesn’t ring.

“What was that about?” my best friend asked me.

“My brother,” I mumbled. “You know him,” I smiled lightly.

“What could’ve made you hang up on Jake?” he asked. I didn’t answer, knowing that he could easily figure that one out. “Oh…,” he realized after awhile. “Wait, is that the reason you took this assignment?” he accused.

“No,” I quickly lied.

“Then why? You usually take a couple days break before you go for another assignment. And you don’t take these types, especially that far for that long,” he reasoned.

“It’s just a great opportunity,” I shrugged. “I mean, it’s cold here and it’s warm there,” I said, looking out the window.

“Stella Grace, you love the cold. The cold means snowboarding. And you’re absolutely in love with snowboarding,” he raised an eyebrow at me, letting me know that he had caught me redhanded.

“Fine! Okay! Yes! I’m avoiding this time of the year! Can you just leave it at that Deegan?!” I shouted exasperatedly at the man.

“You cannot keep running away from it, Stella,” Deegan sighed. “It’s been three years. You always avoid these days as much as you can. Everyone misses you,” he told me. “Even-,” I cut him off before he could say the name.

“Don’t even mention the damn name, Deegan Evans. Do not even mention the damn name,” I growled.

He shook his head disapprovingly at me, but followed my instructions.

We arrived at the airport, and I got out, taking my camera bag with me, and Deegan helped me get my luggage down from the back, and onto the pavement. I hugged him, goodbye and promised him that I’d be back before New Years so we could keep on our tradition to spend it together every year.

“You be careful, okay?” he smiled.

“I will,” I assured him.

“No getting drunk. Your brother and I won’t be there to keep you from doing something stupid,” he warned.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I thought I only had one brother,” I huffed.

“You have two,” he told me. “But seriously. Behave, okay? And call us to tell you know you’re doing fine. Your brother and your parents would love to know what’s going on.”

“Will do,” I nodded. “I’m gonna go now before I miss my flight and go through all that shit again,” I frowned, shuddering at the memory when I missed a flight. I didn’t have a boss that got mad at me, but I did have clients that were upset. Plus, I hated waiting. I had times that I was fine with it, but there are times that I just wanted to strangle myself.

My bestfriend nodded, giving me another set of warnings before getting back into his car, ready to drive off. I was about to walk to the doors when I heard his voice calling out for my name.

“Yes?” I asked as I turned around.

“Ethan’s not coming this year,” he said before driving away, and leaving me with questions running through my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is not too far from the other story;
I just felt like I started the story wrong.
I promise this will only happen once. I hope you don't hate me too much :( I just really wanted this to be good :(