Status: Active.

What will it take to show you this isn't the life it seems.

It was only a look, it was only a look

The rest of the week was rather uneventful, I helped my dad round the house trying to turn the place into a home and although we had filled what had been an empty shell it still just didn’t feel right. The finishing touch that I added was an antique silver picture frame on the fireplace that showed what could only be described as a perfect family; it had been taken when I was 8 years old and showed my parents smiling brightly at my side it was times like that I missed.

Since my first night here I had made it almost a ritual of leaving the house at around 3pm and head to the park, I always sat under the same tree and observed the people walking past but I had yet to see that boy again perhaps he didn’t live round here but I couldn’t help but hope that id eventually see him again. Tonight was no different except I grabbed my tattered sketch book off the desk, I didn’t bother to fix my appearance this time my hair was in a messy bun and I was wearing a misfits t-shirt and denim skirt with dark red and black stripped tights.

Making my way round the corner to the park my eyes immediately darted towards the far corner . . . although I couldn’t see any detail I could faintly make out the outline of five boys sitting in the shade. A spark of curiosity ran through my body mixed with an underlying edge of embarrassment, why was I so excited to see a boy I had never so much as spoken too especially after the look he had given me the last time I had seen him.

Slowly I made my way to the back of the park and sat under my usual tree, I noticed the boy with glasses turn around and look at me I raised to my eyes to his and he gave me a welcoming smile. I smiled back softly then lowered my head and began to start a sketch, I wasn’t sure yet what I was drawing i was just letting my hand softly guide the pencil over the canvas. It was only when I heard a large bang in the tree above me that I snapped out of my own little world, immediately thinking I was under some kind of attack I placed my hands on my head and looked around lying in the grass next to me was a superman comic.
Leaning forward to pick it up I noticed the boy with glasses running towards me, his shaggy brown hair was being blown all over his face but you could still see the goofy smile that greeted me earlier.

“Sorry about that, Frank is more of a batman fan . . . we take our comic book love very seriously,” he said with a light chuckle reaching forward to pick it off the ground, “I’m Mikey by the way, you’re new around here right?”

“I’m Scarlette, and yeah moved in at the beginning of the week,”

“Scarlette, that’s nice. I think you moved just down the road from me and my brother Gerard, Ray also lives down the road . . . he is the one over there with the huge brown fro. So you gonna be starting at Belleview High?”

“Yeah I start in just over a week’s time, I suppose I will be in your year?”

“I wish,” he chuckled, “I think im the year below, you will be in my brother’s year with the rest of the guys, they aren’t that bad . . . well maybe Gerard is a little grumpy but that’s only because he is shy,”

“Il have to keep that one in mind if I see him around,” perhaps the look he gave me wasn’t so bad after all I thought to myself and shrugged lightly.

Mikey and I chatted for a little while longer about the school before the boy I believe called frank shouted over,

“Mikey stop harassing the poor girl, were heading back to yours and if you don’t come now we will be locking the door and you will have to sleep In the shed again,”

I could see a crimson glow rush to his cheeks as he stood up with his comic book in hand and said goodbye. Hopefully I would see him around again, he seemed nice and hyper plus starting at a new school with at least one friend had to be better than none. Watching the boys walk towards the exit you could see Mikey was clumsily running after them but just before he caught up I saw him turn around and yell

“Next time were here I’ll introduce you to the guys,”

Hopefully the guys meant his brother as well, okay so I had only caught the odd glimpse of him but there but there was something about his eyes that had stayed with me and enticed me into wanting to know more. Putting my attention back to my sketch I then finished off an image that vaguely resembled a fallen angel, I wasn’t particularly the best artist but it was something I could get lost into and forget myself.
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Hopefully il have another one out tonight, its already have finished as it was going to be apart of this one but i decided it didn't flow as nicely,

Tomorrow i will be moving my stuff into my new uni house before i move up there in September, hopefully it wont be too much of a long day and il be able to write some more when im back :)