Fist Fights in Toys 'R' Us

We'll Show You How To Have Fun


Zacky's P.O.V
Matt opened the door to his and Val's house and then we all ran inside. Everyone went downstairs to set up the Ouija board, except me and Steph,"So babe, whats your evil plan?"she asked as we walked into the bathroom and I locked the door, to make sure no one would try and get in,"I say, that I pull on the thing, and spell out, 'I am murder,' on the board, and then, while everyone's doing that, you go upstairs to "get some snacks". Then while your up here, scream, pour some fake blood on yourself, and lay on the floor,"I grabbed the fake blood I bought out of my pocket and handed it to her,"Your such a genius babe,"she said kissing me. I opened my mouth and pressed my tongue against her mouth, begging for entrance. She kept me waiting for a bit longer, and she kept me wanting. Then she opened her mouth and attacked me full force. She pushed me against the door and our tongues danced together. She got off me and smiled,"Lets go Zacky bear,"and then we walked downstairs to the basement.

We got downstairs and everyone had formed a circle around the Ouija board. Me and Steph sat down and then everyone put their hands down on it,"Okay so who wants to ask a question first?"The Rev said looking around at everyone,"Oh oh oh!!Uhmm....spirit...who are you?"Matt asked. This was a perfect question. I was about to move it, but the thing started moving on its own. "I,"Matt read aloud,"A-M," "M-U-R-D,"it stopped right there. We all looked down waiting for it to finish. It didn't. Instead, the lights started flashing, and the T.V. turned on. We walked away from the Ouija board and stared at the T.V. Images were flashing like crazy, and then it stopped, on some horror movie. I held tightly onto Steph. We watched the screen intently. Then, I heard someone laughing maniacally. I looked around and realized, The Rev was gone! Everyone ran upstairs and saw The Rev upstairs. He just layed there on the kitchen floor. Then Johnny started laughing. I looked over at him and he just kept laughing. The Rev jumped up and was laughing too,"You guys will fall for anything!!"he laughed,"What do you mean? You guys did that?!?"Steph asked still a little freaked out,"Johnny used the remote to turn on the T.V. and flip through the channels, and I spelled out the words, and while Johnny was flipping through the channels, I ran upstairs and started laughing like a maniac, then acted like I was dead,"he was still laughing. Steph walked up to him and slapped him,"Bitch you fucking scared me!!"she said, then walked over to Johnny and slapped him.

Normal P.O.V

After the little incident with the Ouija board, we all just watched T.V. The phone rang, but Matt didn't get up to answer it, so Val sighed and got up,"Hello?"she said as she picked up the phone. She smiled,"Okay, well I know that we haven't talked about it since the last one, but I think they are ready to get out on the road again,"she paused,"Okay, I'll talk to them and call you back, bye." We all looked at her, and she smiled,"Hey guys, what do you think about another tour?"she asked. They all smiled,"Dude, why even fucking ask?! When are we leaving?"The Rev said,"Possibly in two months,"she said picking up the phone, probably to call the people back. As she put the phone to her ear, Shads jumped up and took the phone, and walked into the kitchen to talk. Val just shrugged and sat down. I got up from my extremely comfy spot on Zacky's lap and walked over to The Rev,"Jimmy,"I whined,"Whattt?!?"he said still staring at the T.V.,"We gotta go!! I can't stay up to late tonight, I've got work in the morning!"I said grabbing his hand and pulling him up,"Gahhh you always ruin my fun!"he said as he slowly walked to the door,"Well...I suppose I could quit, but that would mean you'd have to support me and help me with money for pretty much the rest of my life,"I said smiling. He walked out the door and started the car. I walked over to Zacky and he got up,"Well babe, I'll see you later,"he gave me a peck on the nose, and I blushed,"I love you,"I said as I got up on my tip toes and kissed his lips somewhat forcefully. I pushed away from him enough so I could hug him,"I love you too babe."Then I ran out the door.
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Sorry it took so long, I've been suffering from writers block, which so far basically none of the chapters in this story are all to exciting, but I promise, they will get more exciting!

Thank you for reading, and i love comments, and if i love comments, then i love you!!!