Sweet Insanity


Allowing people to see the scars that traced up her arms wasn’t exactly Elise’s cup of tea; you could only imagine how she felt when someone had to tend to them. A strong sigh fell from her lips as she stared at the nurse. Cold fingertips grasped her wrists as the woman gently re-wrapped the deep wounds that led Elise to this dreaded place.

“I still don’t understand why you have to be the one to look after my wrists… I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself.” Her voice was sharp, and the nurse could tell her patient was annoyed. “It is my body after all, it’s no business what I do with it.” Ranting was one of her many talents that she had ordained from her mother, it relaxed her. Unfortunately the nurse could only hold her bearing for so long.

“Miss. Morgan, trying to kill yourself by causing physical mutilations to your body isn’t healthy. The way you think isn’t healthy. When you treat your body in an unhealthy matter is when it becomes important to other people, so, until you decide to act normal I suggest you allow me to do my job.” With that, nothing else was said.

Elise watched as the nurse carefully wrapped the fabric around her arm before pinning it in place. She had nothing more to say. The nurse was right, and she didn’t want to accept it. “Its dinner time in the kitchen, I suggest you hurry to find a table.” With a small nod she rose from the hard gurney she had been sitting on, a quiet thank you slipping from her mouth as she hurried off to find the dining area.

Just as the nurse had predicted, the dining area was nearly full. One half of the segregated area held tables full of males, and the other was filling up with females fast. If she had it her way, she’d be eating alone in her room. Unfortunately patients had to eat here, for safety purposes, and for the sake of those who suffered from Bulimia and Anorexia—two disorders that Elise completely hated. She didn’t grasp how someone could look at themselves and think they were huge. Then again, she did have a tendency to dig sharp edges into her skin, so she let it go.

After what felt like ages of scanning the room for an empty seat, she spotted her roommate, Carson. She remembered her from an extremely brief confrontation after introductions were given, an introduction ceremony in which Carson had shocked her. Never had Elise heard of someone who searched for the same thing she did, it made her feel slightly less alone. Finally, after taking in a deep breath of oxygen into her lungs, Elise strutted forwards towards the crimson haired girl.

Elise didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know if she should make conversation with her roommate, or if she should just wait until it was time they had to be together. Then again, if they were stuck alone in a white room wouldn’t it be more of an awkward silence? Thoughts raced through her brain as she stared at the pathetic excuse for food that sat atop the tray she was given moments before. Picking up her fork she poked the processed macaroni and cheese, her nose crinkling in disgust. It was now that she decided that conversation would be way more tasteful than the supper.

The petite brunette sat her fork down as she turned to face Carson. Unfortunately the red-head was staring across the sterile room, eyes fixed on two boys that Elise recognized from earlier on in the day. They were laughing and carrying away, making more noise by themselves than the entirety of the cafeteria’s crowd. Envy filled her veins.
Ben and Danny had each other to go through this hell with, and she only had herself. Her family was dead, minus her sister: the only person that she had left who had thrown her into this place.

“It’s ironic, isn’t it. Two drug addicted drunks can come in here, being the same geeving people they were outside of such an institution, and yet you and I, we just sit here, unhappy. Those two hold the world in their hands, and we just want to escape it. “

Elise stared at Carson, her mouth slightly agape. She was completely right, she understood, and this shocked her. “Ironic indeed,” she breathed, “Ironic indeed.” With that she stood up, picking up her uneaten food to throw away. “I’ll see you in room 394,” she said to Carson before spinning on her heels and disappearing out of sight.

The fact that the bathrooms weren’t inside the patient rooms at Brooke Hollow was one thing that Elise Morgan couldn’t stand. For one, who the hell wanted to carry a backpack to the shower? For two, why did it have to be searched beforehand? This was far from Disney World. Now that she had changed into her pajamas and brushed her teeth, she slung her bag over her shoulder. She was quite excited to get back to her room. Carson intrigued her, despite her absolute hatred for being here, she was glad to have a roommate that had a problem similar to her own.

Without paying attention Elise hurried out of the bathroom, running straight into one of the boys she spotted Carson watching in the Cafeteria. Danny struggled to keep his balance as he stared down at the small girl. She was cute, he had to admit, but his irritation was more of his focus. “Would it kill you to watch where you’re walking? If I had of been drunk I’d have been fucked for sure.”

Elise glared back up at the man, disbelief evident in her tone. “I’m sorry, next time I’ll make sure to be more observant.” She snapped, straightening her shirt before walking away. The man’s last words of “you do that” echoing in her mind.
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