Sweet Insanity


“I remember a few things from the crash. I remember more than people I thought, my Doctor still thinks I remember nothing, but really I remember a lot. I remember seeing a person staring back at me and wondering what I did to him to deserve him almost killing me and my sister. My sister was my main concern; as long as she was okay I was alright with whatever was going to happen. I suppose in reality even if she wasn’t okay there would have been nothing I could’ve done to stop the course of events.” Carson spoke slowly and deliberately, choosing her words extremely carefully. The last thing she wanted was to offend others. Especially her roommate. Although she supposed that speaking to her while she was trying to sleep would probably offend her anyway, but it seemed like she needed someone to talk to about things. She had defenses up, which Carson understood. People instated defense systems when they were stuck somewhere they didn’t want people invading, it happened, and Carson understood that.

“This is not therapy you don’t have to tell me things like this. What time is it anyway?” Elise mumbled through the dark and Carson huffed and rolled over to look into the hallway at the clock.

“Four a.m it says. I know it seems like I am trying to instate therapy here, but I am not. I am just showing that I have no problem talking about things, and I don’t want you to have one either. We are in this together, because we understand. We could all use a friend, and by the way I heard you yelling at that guy early I supposed you could use one since you weren’t making one anywhere else.” She chuckled quietly and her roommate shifted onto her side, staring at Carson, who twitched nervously. She did not like people looking into her eyes; it was something she never could take. That was too personal for her tastes. A person could hide their secrets all day long, but one look into a person’s eyes and there were no longer secrets.

“I don’t need therapy there or here okay, and that bitch yelled at me not the other way around, and just because you’re getting chummy with his mate doesn’t mean a thing to me.” She snapped and then sighed “Sorry, I am just tired and can’t sleep. I get bitchy if I don’t get sleep.”

“I get bitchy if people steal my pop-tarts. I kicked a girls teeth in once over it.”

“That is horrid.” Carson nodded, she had a past she was not proud of. She wasn’t a horrible kid by any means, but she had her fair share of dark days. “I got detention once for kicking a trashcan at someone and calling them a filthy mudblood. I thought I was smooth, but apparently everyone knew it was an offensive term.” Carson laughed at Elise who sat up and smiled. It was the first smile Carson had seen the girl have.

“My mum met my dad at a club, she was drunk and had puked all over him and he had screamed at her that he needed a new suit and offended her so she hunted his ass down the very next day and lit a bag of dog shit on fire and he said he fell for her right then, because she was girl enough to party and be joyous but badass enough to hunt him down and light shit on fire near him.” She gave Carson a peculiar look and she laughed. “Well, anyway Elise, I am going to bed goodnight.” Carson slid down into her blanket and sighed, she missed home and the familiar comfort it provided her.


“Get up for breakfast!” Someone was jumping on her bed. “Get up.” For a moment she felt as though she was actually home, and her sister was waking her up. Finding the most possibly annoying way to wake Carson up seemed to be her past time. Carson smiled and cracked an eye open, sighing in disappointment when she saw who it actually was. “Well damn, greet me in the least happy way possible. And I was going to return your pumps too.”

“What the hell are you jumping on my bed for Ben? Could you not possibly just stay the hell out of my room? Where is Elise?” He laughed and shrugged before taking a seat. “What time is it?”

“Ten minutes before therapy 101.” She sighed and sat up, feeling slightly self-conscious at the fact that she was sitting in front of him in just an oversized tee shirt. “Get dressed. I will meet you outside when you’re done, unless of course you would like some help.” He winked and she lightly socked him on the arm.

“I am fully capable of doing it myself now get out of my room.” He took his exit and Carson rushed around the room trying to get ready for therapy in enough time. It was stressful knowing she was on a time limit and had, all things considered, a fairly attractive person waiting outside of her door for her.

Ben walked her to therapy and she took a seat near Elise who was harshly whispering to Danny with a glare on her face. It was then that Bethany stood up and began speaking, and Carson tuned out.