Sweet Insanity


“I am just the whole deal,” Carson sighed. She was getting absolutely nowhere with Danny. He had walls up that he seemed completely unwilling to consider tearing down, even in a partial bit. In a way she supposed she could not completely blame him, from the small bit of information he had shared, she was able to gather that he really did not come here willingly. But the devotion he had to being a rock star drove him to the place he would never drive himself. Rehab or no stage basically was what it boiled down to, and that was all he was willing to share with her. At least it was something though.

“I am sure there are people that would disagree with that assessment.” Her words escaped before she was able to keep it from happening and she inwardly sighed as a look of offense came to his face. Carson always did have an issue getting along with people, especially in situations that getting along was a necessity.

“Yeah, like who?” He countered and she chuckled. At least his self-confidence was unwavering. He may be killing himself, but at least he was doing so with the knowledge he was a total badass.

“Me for one. I have no time for people like you. Never have. People that think they are God’s gift to humanity, if they were not around the world would be bleak and in black and white. You’re the injection of color that makes the world spin. You probably sleep around; think you’re really sly, pretty good in bed. You go up and save lives on a stage and have kids replicate your behavior thinking you’re just so badass that they want to be just like you. Newsflash Sherlock, who you are now, it is not working. You have one foot near a graveyard and you’re not willing to see it.”

“The loss of one girl is not a big deal. Besides I hear no complaints on my bedroom activities,” he laughed and she scowled. She could see where Elise found frustration with this pig of an individual. She was careful to remember his plight and how it would probably impact his wording and personality, but for the most part she was positive he was probably always like this. If not, incredibly similar. “You bore me now.” He said. It was a statement, not so much an observation and Carson found herself bubbling with frustration, bordering on anger.

“You cannot just say stuff like that,” She practically shouted at him as he walked back to his seat. “You do not just dismiss people like they are nothing. They are people you pompous asshole!” People were looking at her, Ben and Elise included, so she simply fell quiet and took her seat and waited patiently for the end of therapy, which thankfully, came much quicker than she anticipated.

Elise and Ben walked together towards the cafeteria and Carson watched them as they joked and laughed. It was odd how charismatic both Danny and Ben seemed to be, and yet Ben was definitely more humble and kind. Of course, she knew for a fact she would eventually see another side of Ben that was probably less favorable. Ben was good at layering; Danny was just a dick at the surface. It was as though they were yin and yang. She opted out of dinner and instead returned to her room and pulled out the sketchbook and crayons that Brook Hollow allowed her to have. She always did enjoy writing and drawing, although she was not extremely good at either thing. It was just a calming exercise that had gotten her through a lot of things pre and post- accident.

She was nearly done with a portrait of her mother when a soft knock on the door snapped her from her thoughts. She quickly crossed the room and opened the door, a look of disgust taking over her face as she saw Danny standing there with a smirk. “Can I help you with something?”

“Is Elise here? Ben and her took off and now I cannot seem to find either of them much of anywhere. My guess is they are off somewhere having a spot of fun, but I thought I would come and see if she was here.” Carson opened the door and allowed him to see into the room.

“Does it look like she is here?” She snapped and he shoved past her and entered the room. “Excuse the fuck out of me. Hey would you like to come in?” She rolled her eyes and Danny took a seat and immediately reached over to look in her sketchbook. An invasion of privacy no doubt, but Carson did not have much energy to fight with someone who would not bother listening.

“Did you draw this?” She nodded and went back to lay on her bed, looking over at Danny who was looking more intrigued and interested than condescending, which she had to admit, was how she thought he was going to be. “Who is it?”

“It’s my mum. It’s not very good of course, so it doesn’t exactly look like her...”

“Maybe you’re looking at it all wrong. Maybe it is extremely good; you just are not looking at it through the right perspective. Sometimes people get things wrong, simply because they are not looking at things correctly.” She was not sure at this point if he was still speaking of her art, or himself, either way she supposed he had a point. “My band is probably the most important thing to me outside of my dog. I have lived in the U.S for years, but recently returned to England to live with Ben during off time. We are best mates and all, so it makes sense that we would want to be around one another, and really he is pretty much all I have anymore. I am sorry I was sort of an asshole earlier. I won’t lie and say I am not like that all the time, it is just new to me, having people be interested for reasons other than being creepy...” And with that he got up and left, leaving Carson feeling rather confused.

“Sorry I went on a walk.” Elise said as she shuffled into the room. It was evident that she had been out in the cold weather, her cheeks were rosy and she looked considerably happier. “Ben and I were talking. I hope you don’t mind. If you like him or anything I can put in a good word...”

“Oh no, I do not like him or anyone else,” she laughed and Elise shrugged. “Anyway, Danny was here. He was actually pleasant, as odd and frankly, frightening as that is.” Elise looked at her puzzled and she shrugged, she had no explanation either. “He was actually looking for you. Is there still sun out? Snow still there?” She was kidding of course, she knew the snow would be there in plenty form too.

“Yeah it won’t be dark for another couple hours thankfully. I plan on going back out, but I wanted to know if you wanted to go with?” Carson nodded and smiled signaling she simply needed to change and she would be ready to go. She put on a jacket and some pants and slipped her feet into her boots. She grabbed her beanie and scarf from the table next to her bed and shoved a pair of gloves on before placing on her sunglasses and bowing and laughing. She followed Elise outside and immediately felt the cold weather seeping into her bones.

There was something so refreshing about the cold to her; it was as though, in the snow everything was wiped clean. Sometimes she wished people could be like snow, pure intentions and washed clean every time they need to refresh and reboot. The snowball hit her, knocking her off guard and into a small snow bank. It came out of nowhere it seemed, but when she looked back she realized that sometime during her self-reflecting a full out snowball war had been started.

“I call her! Carson is on my team!” She turned and ran to Ben who was motioning her behind what was supposed to be a makeshift fort made of sticks and snow. It had obviously been a job done on the fly. “Okay I have abandoned Danny with Elise, and now, we fight for blood...” Carson laughed and nodded, forming balls of snow in her hands. She was not sure, but she had a pretty big feeling Danny and Elise would be more at war with one another than with her and Ben...
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