Be My Life Jacket


"May he rest in peace." Everyone chorused. Yeah, while I can't rest and I'm in pieces. Women with make up stained faces made their way up to his casket, but I couldn't force myself into it. I loved Landon in a way the never did.

"You gonna be alright?" Uncle Jeff asked, clapping a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's see." I started, pretending to think. "I've just lost my parents and now my boyfriend." Though I was being sarcastic and trying to be cool about it, my eyes burned with premature tears. "So no."

I rubbed at my eyes, but it was no use. Sobs erupted, causing my whole body to shake. I just couldn’t believe Landon, who'd seemed so healthy when we met, was now gone. I'd never see him again, never kiss him again, and I'd probably never love anyone.

I guess what they say about young love murder is true.

After mostly everyone had left, I drummed up the courage to see his beautiful face one last time. Before he was 6 feet under. New tears formed at the thought.

His last words echoed through my mind. "Eat lots for me and take care of yourself. Thank you for everything." The strange feeling of guilt engulfed me. I hadn't really taken that great of care of myself since That Day. I hadn't been able to eat, or sleep. I'd lost an immense amount of weight, which I found to be true when I went to put my tuxedo on this morning. I felt like shit.

"Goodbye." I whispered to him. "You've changed my life twice now. And thank you for everything too."

A hand touched my back in a comforting manor. I turned around to see Sheryl, looking stunning in her black dress. She didn't say anything as she handed me a folded piece of paper with scribbles all over it. Was this...

"Landon's bucket list." She explained, a smile ghosting her red lips. "Take care of it. It's one of a kind."

"I will." I assured, taking the paper from her. I opened it up. Words were scribbled out in all different colors, but many were left still.

Knowing Landon, I'd go insane trying to fulfill his dying wish.
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I love you guys (: Can't wait for the sequel. Feel free to comment. Did you cry? Because I know I did...
