Status: pretty good

A Beautiful Disgrace


I woke up in a white room, very plain, which I hated; I always had to paint my room and then put posters everywhere! But anyways the room had nothing in it but me, a white table that I was laying on.
I sat up to see a woman, I screamed in surprise. She had curly dark brown hair, with dark big doe eyes, and thin lips, with olive skin. She was pretty gorgeous. I was jealous.
“Hello Darling,” She said, god damn her voice was like an angel, “I’m sorry to say but you are dead, Skylar.” And then my face dropped and gave a freaked out look.
“Um what?” I asked, in confusion.
“You are dead, honey, DEAD.” Wow thanks for making all my dreams come true. NOT!
“How am I dead?”
“You were murdered.” She said, putting her hands in front of her with in locking her fingers as she let her hands drop in front of her.
I was in shock, I couldn’t feel my body. I never looked down at myself, and as I did I was in all white, it looked horrible against my plain skin, and probably look horrible against my light long blonde hair.
But that wasn’t the problem; the problem was that I was dead.
“By who?” I stuttered, looking sadly down at my fingers twiddling with themselves.
“We don’t know, but we’re sending you back to earth as an angel, to find the one who sees you, and he will help you find your killer.” She said, like she was a robot, she had no emotion in her voice.
“But how will I know this mysterious ‘he’ is?”
“Good luck,” she disappeared into thin air, but before I could yell, I was blacked out.
I woke up in the school’s soccer field, lying in the middle of it. I sat up, and held my head, because my head was pounding. I looked all around. This is my high school. Well was my high school, I thought.
My eyes stopped when I was the soccer players coming from the locker room. It was the guys’ soccer team. I saw the soccer captain Ayden Scarlett. He was tall and lean, very nice. He was very much in shape of course to be in soccer. Ayden had beautiful hazel eyes, tan skin; he also had short brown hair. His nose was perfect for his face, and a strong jaw line. He was god’s creation, and yes when I was alive I did have a crush on him.
The other guys were cute, but not as handsome as Ayden.
I looked down to see me in the same white lace dress, but this time my hair was curled at the end and my nails were painted. What kind of Fu-du did she do?!
“Hey you!” I looked up to see Ayden yelling at me, “Get off our field!”
I got up and ran to the bleachers, and then I stopped at the edge of the field weird out. Does he see me? Well no duh, Skylar! He yelled at you!
“Did you not hear me girl?” He said angrily, “get off the field!”
I heard his team mate Tad Michaels, grab his shoulder looking concerned, “Are you alright dude? There is no girl on this field…”
“Can’t you see her??” He turned towards Tad.
He shrugged and went onto the field for practice…
No how was a suppose to go up to him?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its kinda short, but the next one is longer, i just want to see if people like this. If So comment or message me. Whichever works for you (: Thanks for reading