Status: Completed

You and Only You


I heard voices in the living room and I put the pillow over my head, trying to drown them out so I could go back to sleep. But that didn’t work when the voices started getting closer and louder. And then the pillow was pulled out of my hands and I looked up at the culprit with a scowl on my face.

“Good morning. Or should I say good afternoon?” Garrett said with a grin on his face.

“Go away,” I groaned and rolled over.

“Skylar, I’m gonna go over to Jared’s for a little while. We have to work on some guitar parts for some new songs and for the tour,” Kennedy said and kissed me quickly on the forehead. “Garrett agreed to come over and keep you company and help keep an eye on Noah.”

“Ok, bye,” I said quietly and he kissed me softly on the lips this time. It was the first time we had actually kissed on the lips since I had left the hospital and I couldn’t deny that I had missed it.

“So, get up and get dressed. We’re going out,” Garrett said, that fucking grin still there and even bigger.

“Fuck off.”

“Whoa! That’s no way to talk to your son’s godfather!”

“I just want to stay in bed.”

“I know. But I don’t care. Now get up. I’m going to go get your son ready and you better be ready by the time I get back in here.” He walked out of my bedroom and I really contemplated just rolling back over and going back to sleep.

But I had to pee so I got up, grabbed my crutches, and hobbled over to the bathroom. While I was in there I brushed my hair and threw it up in a messy bun, and I brushed my teeth. I walked back out into my bedroom and sighed as I walked over to my closet. I wouldn’t be able to wear any of my jeans because there was no way they would fit over my stupid fucking cast. I sighed and pulled out a long dress. At least that way it could cover up the ugly cast. I pulled it on quickly and slipped a cardigan over it.

“Wow, I didn’t think it would be that easy,” Garrett said with a grin as he walked back into my bedroom carrying Noah.

“I didn’t think it would be either.” I shrugged. I didn’t really know why I had actually gotten up. Kennedy had been trying to get me up and out of bed ever since we had gotten home from the hospital and it wasn’t working too great. Now Garrett came in and suddenly I wasn’t fighting it anymore. Maybe I just needed some more time. Maybe I was finally starting to get over it.

“Well, I’m glad it was. Because you and Squirt and I are going are going to have a great day!”

I rolled my eyes but I figured I might as well try and make the best of it. It wasn’t fun being in bed all day and being depressed, so if Garrett wanted to cheer my up I should at least let him and see how it went. After all, he did cheer me up after Kennedy kicked me out when I was pregnant.

“So where are we going?” I asked as I put my shoes, well shoe, on and we walked out the door. Well, Garrett walked, I more or less hobbled. I still wasn’t used to walking with crutches and a huge cast on my leg.

“Well I was gonna say the mall, but I don’t think you’d like to walk around. And the movies aren’t really a great place for a baby. Wait! They have wheelchairs at the mall! I can push you around and it will be fun!”

“Who’s gonna push the stroller then?” I asked him.

“Noah can just sit on your lap, trust me, this is gonna be great!” Garrett sounded like a little kid, he was so excited.

He put on some Ryan Adams for the drive to the mall and I couldn’t stop the small smile forming on my face. Ryan Adams’ music always calmed me down and cheered me up. And Garrett was singing along and it was adorable. He had such a man crush on Ryan Adams.

We got to the mall and Garrett was talking nonstop as he carried Noah in while I hobbled in with my crutches. I was thankful for the wheelchair even though I felt like a useless gimp. Noah seemed to think it was some kind of ride as he sat in my lap and Garrett pushed us around because he was laughing his head off and grinning like a crazy child. Of course Garrett was probably making faces at him too.

It didn’t surprise me one bit when Garrett’s first stop was the record store. It always was. He got a couple things while I pretty much just sat in the wheel chair and played with Noah. He was in a really great mood and it was definitely lifting my own mood.

After Garrett was done checking out we walked around to a couple other places in the mall and just talked. We talked about a lot of things and it got my mind off all the sad things I had been thinking of over the past couple of days.

We were heading to the food court when I saw a couple girls who kept staring over at us. I noticed one of them was wearing a shirt that said The Maine on it and I was sure they were staring at Garrett. I caught one of the girl’s eyes and I gave her a small smile. I saw her blush and turn away and I couldn’t help but laugh to myself.

Garrett parked Noah and me at a table as he went to get in line to get us some food. As I was sitting there playing peek-a-boo with Noah who was buckled in to a high chair, the girls walked over.

“You’re Kennedy’s fiancée right?” One of them asked. “Your baby is so adorable!”

“Yeah I am. And thanks, I’m pretty fond of him.” I looked over at Noah and smiled at him as he smiled wide and started clapping his hands.

“Well, we just wanted to say that you’re like, really inspiring to us.”

“Oh my god, what?” I asked. I was genuinely confused and definitely flattered.

“Yeah, it’s nice to see that you’re such a nice genuine person and you’re obviously a great mother. And it’s awesome that you’re just a normal girl and you don’t flaunt your relationship or anything. We follow your Tumblr and we’re always so excited when you post new updates and pictures of Noah.”

“Wow. Thank you girls so much. You have no idea how much that means to me. You should message me on Tumblr and I’ll follow you or something, I don’t know. I just want to give you guys something back.”

They really had cheered me up a lot. It was crazy to think that people thought I was inspiring or looked up to me. I was a nobody. I was just lucky enough to have met a great guy who was in a successful band so I somehow got thrust into the limelight. But to know that people actually liked me and didn’t hate me for “stealing their man” or some of the other crazy things people said online definitely brightened my day.

“That would be awesome. And, um, do you think you could ask Garrett if we could get a picture with him?” It was funny how they got shy all of a sudden when it came to Garrett.

“Of course! Just wait until he comes back over.” I made small talk with them until Garrett walked back over with a tray full of food. I laughed at how confused he looked when he saw the girls standing there talking to me. “Hey Gary, ready to get your picture taken?”


“Just smile. Go on girls, go get your picture.”

They walked over to Garrett with big smiles on their faces. “Oh wait, here’s my camera.”

I took their picture and reminded them to message me on Tumblr before they went on with their day and Garrett sat down and we ate our food. We walked around for a little bit longer before heading back home.

Garrett carried Noah in as I walked in with the help of my crutches. I hugged Garrett goodbye after he set Noah down by his toys, and he headed out the door. Kennedy was back and I was really happy to see him. I walked straight up to him and wrapped my arms around him.

“I love you,” I said and hugged him tight. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too. What’s going on?” he asked with a curious smile on his face.

“Thank you for everything. I’m sorry about how I’ve been acting lately. I love you,” I repeated.

“It’s ok. I promise. As long as I have you everything is ok. I love you too, so much. Don’t ever forget that.”
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Sorry this is kind of sucky. I'm not that happy with it, but I just wanted to give you guys something.
Do you think Skylar is better now for good? I guess we'll see.