Status: Completed

You and Only You


The next day Kennedy and I both had hangovers from hell but mine felt one hundred times worse knowing what had happened at my bachelorette party. And knowing that I absolutely had to tell Kennedy. I had learned my lesson and I was never going to keep anything from him ever again. I really didn’t want to tell him, but I knew that I had to.

We both crawled out of bed and Kennedy went to make coffee while I hunted down the aspirin. After taking a couple each, having a cup of coffee and eating what little food we could actually stomach, I finally built up the nerve to say something.

“Kennedy,” I started timidly as we sat down on the couch together.

“Yeah babe?” he asked, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

“I have to tell you something.”

“You know you can tell me anything,” he said reassuringly with a small smile on his face, but it was just making me feel worse because he was such a great, amazing, nice, gorgeous guy and here I had gone and fucked up again.

“It’s about something that happened at the bachelorette party.”

“Hey, we don’t have to tell each other all the details. I’d actually rather not talk about some of the things the guys made me do last night,” he said with a chuckle and a small shudder. And normally I would have laughed but not with the news that I had to deliver to him.

“Trust me, I have to say this.”

“Ok, shoot.” He turned to face me and grabbed my hands in his, rubbing his fingers lightly over the back of my hands.

I took a deep breath before I started.

“So, you know how Halvo made you guys leave when we were at the same bar.”

“Yeah that asshole.”

“Well, John got left behind,” I started and I felt Kennedy tense up a little bit, and I knew that he already knew it was going to be something bad because it had to do with John. And it made me start hating myself even more that I let it happen.

“And he found me and we were hanging out and did some shots and whatever. And then I couldn’t find anyone else so I made him dance with me and it was all fine and innocent… At first.” Another deep breath. “Kenny… h-he kissed me.”

Kennedy released my hands and brought his up to rub his face and run through his hair.

“God dammit Skylar!” he yelled.

“I pushed him away right away! I swear! And then I threw up because I felt so disgusted but just the fact that I let it happen for even a second... I hate myself so much for it Kennedy. You have no idea.”

“Why the fuck is it always John?! Can’t you just stay away from him?”

“I’ve been trying!”

“It’s supposed to be a bachelorette party! Not a kiss some other fucking guy who’s not your fiancé party!”

“Baby. I didn’t kiss him. He kissed me.”

“Like there’s a fucking difference! His lips were on yours. That’s all that there is to it. God dammit! We’re supposed to be getting married tomorrow and now I find out you were kissing other guys last night.”

“Kennedy I don’t think you’re listening to me. I pushed him away and ran away. It was nothing!”

“Don’t give me that shit Skylar. It’s not nothing. If it was some other guy maybe, but not with John. You can’t tell me it’s nothing after all the shit that’s happened between you and him. I forgave you for cheating on me before, but I can’t marry you if it’s just gonna keep happening!”

“What are you saying Kennedy?!” I gasped. Did he not want to get married anymore? “I was just trying to tell you the truth. I don’t want to lie to you anymore. But I love you so much. I want to be married to you more than anything in the world.”

“Well, you apparently didn’t act like it last night,” he said bitingly and got up from the couch and walked towards the bedroom.

“Where are you going? We’re not done talking.”

“I’m done,” he said, not turning around.

“What do you mean you’re done?” I asked, starting to get really fucking worried. This hadn’t exactly turned out as I had hoped. I hoped that he would be happy that I was being honest with him because really the kiss was absolutely nothing, I just didn’t want lie about anything anymore. But now he was so pissed off and it seemed like he was starting to question things. It wasn’t even my fault this time. It was John’s fucking fault and I was really starting to get majorly pissed at him.

“Kenny what do you mean you’re done?” I asked him again when he didn’t respond.

He was changing into jeans and a t-shirt when I got back to the bedroom behind him and he walked straight past me towards the living room without saying a word. So I turned around and followed again.

“Kennedy! Please just fucking talk to me! I’m being honest with you and telling you what happened and that it was absolutely fucking nothing and you’re being so stubborn!”

He laughed bitterly and turned around to look at me. “You have no right to call me stubborn. How would you feel if I told you I kissed some girl last night at my bachelor party?”

“I would be happy you were being honest and I would know that it meant absolutely fucking nothing because you love me and we’re getting married and some other girl couldn’t mean anything to you,” I said truthfully. I knew that we were strong enough to make it through something like that but apparently Kennedy didn’t.

“You say that, but you have absolutely no idea how you would feel unless it actually happened.” He walked past me again towards the front door and put his shoes on.

“Where the hell are you going?!” I couldn’t believe he was actually leaving right now.

“I’m going to get Noah,” was all he said before walking out the door without even a look in my direction.

I screamed in frustration when he walked out the door and shut it behind him. I couldn’t believe it had ended in this. I was hoping he would be understanding since I had told him the truth outright. But apparently I was wrong.

A half hour passed without Kennedy coming back. Then an hour. Then half the fucking day. I tried calling him and texting him multiple times but he never once answered.

Then I called AJ to ask if Kennedy had been by to pick up Noah. I found out that he had indeed been there and that it hadn’t ended too well, because John was also there. Apparently they had exchanged a few choice words and Kennedy had left John with another shiner before he took Noah and took off. I apologized to her about Kennedy and about what had happened with John. She said she was kinda pissed at him but she was sure things would be okay once he had groveled enough and paid her back with a couple foot massages and other favors. I thanked her profusely and then hung up and went back to worrying about where Kennedy was with our son.

I called everyone I knew to ask if they had seen him but I didn’t have any luck. Nobody knew where he was and I couldn’t help but think the worst since he had Noah with him.

I was a worried wreck by the time ten o’clock at night rolled around and I still hadn’t heard anything. I desperately dialed Kennedy over and over, begging him by voicemail to at least let me know that he and Noah were okay, but he still didn’t answer.

So I called Macy and begged her to come over and stay with me because I knew I would just sit there and worry all night and I desperately needed someone to comfort me. I cried and cried and told her about everything that had happened and how scared I was about where Kennedy and Noah were and what was going to happen tomorrow on the wedding day. She tried comforting me, but I didn’t stop crying until I finally fell asleep.