Status: Completed

You and Only You


It had been about three weeks since Kennedy and I got our tattoos and I could finally go swimming again. So Macy and I were having a bonding day, with Noah, and we were swimming at her apartment complex, while Kennedy went to a band meeting.

“So what do you think the meeting is about?” Macy asked me as we pushed Noah around in his floaty. He absolutely loved being in the water. He just thought it was the most fun thing ever.

“It’s probably about touring. The exact thing I don’t want it to be about. It’s so hard when he’s gone Macy,” I said, looking down at Noah and frowning, thinking about how difficult it was to be at home alone with him when he was younger when Kennedy was on tour. I knew it would be even harder the older he got because he would be able to do more stuff and get into more things and actually realize that Kennedy was gone and start to miss him.

“I know Sky. I remember last time.”

“Yeah, I don’t really want to talk about that, ever.”

One night during the last time he was on tour I had gone to Macy’s apartment completely balling my eyes out. Noah was being really fussy all day because he was getting over a cold, and I was getting so frustrated and I just didn’t know what to do because I was all by myself. My parents were out of town for the week and Kennedy’s parents weren’t answering when I had tried to call them. None of the guys were there obviously since they were on tour and I didn’t know what else to do.

So I went to Macy and luckily she took care of Noah and put him down to sleep and then listened to my sob story of how much I missed Kennedy and how I didn’t know if I was going to be able to do this anymore if he was going to be gone all the time. She helped me calm down and stopped me from getting drunk and doing something stupid like I originally wanted to do.

She also agreed to watch Noah the next day so I could fly out to California and meet Kennedy on tour for his day off. He had been way surprised and happy to see me and I was beyond excited to see him. And as much as I hated to say it I was glad to be carefree and not have a baby to take care of. I could do whatever I wanted with Kennedy and the guys, and I didn’t have to worry about anyone besides myself.

I was sad to leave Kennedy that night and I almost didn’t want to go back. But I really did start missing Noah. I missed cuddling with him and I missed seeing all of the new and exciting things he did every day. It was crazy that even though I could get so frustrated that I didn’t even want to be away from him for the night.

When I got back to Macy’s and I saw Noah sleeping in his playpen I couldn’t help but smile at how adorable he looked and I couldn’t believe how much I truly loved him. It was unreal that I could feel that way about someone.

“Well maybe you could go with him or something?” Macy suggested.

“I couldn’t leave Noah for that long. And I doubt anyone would want to watch him for that long. He’s a handful,” I said and of course he picked that time to start splashing and babbling on. “See my point?” I giggled. “But I love him so much,” I said and kissed him all over as he laughed and tried to escape my kisses.

“Could you take him with?”

“Really Macy? Do you think tour is any place for a baby? There’s no way he could sleep in a bunk and there’s no way that we could afford to have a hotel every night. And there is way too much that he could get into on the bus and at the venues and just no. Definitely not.”

I loved my best friend to death but sometimes she really didn’t have that much common sense. Either that or she just spoke before she thought things through. I didn’t really know.

“Ok, I get it. That was stupid of me to say,” she said with a chuckle. “I wish I could say something to make you feel better or to make the situation better but I honestly don’t know what to say Sky. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay Macy. I don’t think there is anything to say honestly. I knew what I was getting into when I started dating Kennedy and I dealt with it fine before Noah was here. It’s just gotten a lot harder,” I said and looked down at Noah again. He was still splashing around and having a blast and I envied how oblivious he could be to everything. He was lucky that he was still young enough to not have to worry about a thing. “But we’ll get through this,” I said with a smile on my face. “Now let’s talk about something that’s not so sad.”

We swam around until Noah started getting fussy and it was time for lunch. I grabbed his food out of the diaper bag and Macy went inside real quick to get some food for us and we had a picnic by the pool.

We talked some more and laid out while Noah played with some toys on his beach towel. Luckily he hadn’t started crawling just yet so I didn’t have to worry about him crawling away and trying to get in the water.

I was kind of starting to drift off to sleep when I felt someone’s arms lifting me up from my lounge chair. Before I could even register what was going on I was flying through the air and landing in the pool. I resurfaced and looked around, trying to figure out who had thrown me in and I shouldn’t have been surprised to see Kennedy and the guys standing there howling with laughter.

“I’m gonna get you,” I pointed at Kennedy and started swimming to the ladder. But before I even got there he jumped in and did a cannonball right next to me. “You fucker!” I yelled when he came up for air. I started swimming towards him to dunk him but he was faster than me and I couldn’t catch up.

“Fine, I give up,” I said, giving him my puppy dog eyes. “I just want a kiss. I haven’t seen you all day.”

He hesitated, but finally swam towards me. I went in like I was going to kiss him but at the last minute I pulled away and pushed him underwater. All of the guys started laughing and I swam away and got out of the pool as fast as I could. I laughed when I was a safe distance away. “Love you baby,” I said, smiling down at him when he resurfaced.

I walked over and picked Noah up so Kennedy couldn’t do anything to retaliate.

“Oh I see how you are, using the baby as protection,” he said as he got out of the pool, walking over towards me.

“You know it,” I said and smiled up at him.

He sat down next to me and I actually kissed him this time. Then he kissed Noah and picked him up and started spinning him around in the air. Noah was absolutely loving it. He loved pretty much everything Kennedy did.

Everyone got in the water after that and we all just swam around and talked and hung out and enjoyed the afternoon, and I tried not to think about what they had talked about at their band meeting.
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Sorry it's a bit short, but I just wanted to post something sooner rather than later.
I'm sorry it's been taking so long and I'm sorry to say it might for the next chapter too because I'm going back to school and I have to pack and all that.

But seriously, please keep up the commenting. I only got two on the last chapter and it kind of bums me out.

But I did see All Time Low and Mayday Parade and We Are The In Crowd on Monday night in Des Moines so that cheered me up! haha

Also, sorry this is so freaking long but I posted a Garrett oneshot and you guys should read it and comment. (:
And if you have any preferences for who I should write another oneshot about, let me know.
Ok, I'm done babbling now.