Status: Completed

You and Only You


I turned around and saw Kennedy standing there with a pissed off expression adorning his face.

“Am I interrupting something?” he asked sarcastically. “Should I leave so you two can be alone?”

“Kenny, what are you talking about?” I asked him. I didn’t understand what he was so pissed about.

“Are you kidding me Skylar!? Do I need to fucking remind you of what happened with you and John? How you cheated on me with him? How I didn’t even know if Noah was mine!? How do you think it makes me feel standing here watching you two shamelessly flirt with each other in front of everybody? After I just got a fucking black eye trying to get some asshole away from you and now you’re moving onto another one? Right in front of my fucking face!”

“Kennedy baby, calm down. He just bought me a shot.” I stood up and walked towards Kennedy so I could lower my voice and not shout everything out for the whole bar to hear. “You know that there’s nothing going on between John and me anymore. That is way over and done with. I love you Kennedy, more than anyone in the world. Come on baby, we’re getting married soon, we’re gonna be happy together, please don’t be like this.” I walked towards him and tried to wrap my arms around him in a hug but he backed away and still looked absolutely livid.

“No! You’re telling me not to be like this? Do you know how hard it was for me to forgive you and start trusting you again after I finally found out about the shit that went down with you two, after you lied to me for so fucking long? And now here you are, acting like a fucking slut again with the same asshole you cheated on me with! How do I know that you aren’t lying to me again!? How do I know that you’re not cheating on me again? You probably liked it when that guy had his hands all over you because you’re a fucking slut!”

“Whoa, Kennedy, calm down man. Don’t you think that’s taking it a little too far?” John interjected and stood up from his barstool with his hands up in an “I surrender” type of gesture. And it was a good thing because I was crying by that point. I don’t think I could have said anything to Kennedy then. I was just trying to stay standing and not break down completely. Suddenly this night had gotten even worse than when the drunken idiot was groping me on the dance floor.

“I didn’t mean anything by it,” John added. “It’s just a birthday shot. Skylar isn’t doing anything wrong. She’s just trying to enjoy a few drinks on her birthday.”

“Why do you always defend her!?” AJ apparently wanted in on this too. “It’s not your job, she doesn’t belong to you, and you don’t belong to her. You have no ties to each other. I thought you were over her John. I thought all of that shit was done. After we had that talk I really believed you and trusted you but now I’m not so sure.” She paused and looked over at me before turning back to John with sad eyes and talking more softly. “Do you still love her?”

“Love?” Kennedy asked with wide eyes. “You love her? Are you fucking kidding me?”

“I don’t love her! I love AJ!” He turned to look at his girlfriend. “I really do love you baby. And I swear to god that anything that happened between Skylar and me is 100% done and over with. We’re just friends. I thought I loved her, a long time ago, but I know that nobody could ever love her as much as you do Kennedy,” he said, turning back to face him. “You guys are perfect together and Noah is perfect and I can’t wait for you two to get married and have more perfect babies.”

Even through my tears I couldn’t help but smile a little at the end of John’s little speech. I really couldn’t wait to be married to Kennedy either. Having more perfect babies could wait a few years though. I was content with just Noah for now.

I walked towards Kennedy again and reached out to place my hand on top of his arm. “Kennedy?” I asked tentatively, sniffling. I didn’t know if he was going to freak out on me again or if he was calmed down. He didn’t move away but he didn’t say anything either.

“Baby?” I tried again.

“God I can’t do this right now.” He shook off my hand and walked away, down to the other end of the bar to order a drink. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know if I should follow him or just leave him alone for a little bit to cool off. I just wanted someone to hug me and tell me what I should do and reassure me that everything was going to be alright. Well, I really wanted Kennedy to hug me and kiss me and tell me that everything would be ok but I knew that wasn’t going to be happening just then. I didn’t want to go to John because I know that would just look bad and start more shit and I knew that I couldn’t deal with that anymore. He was talking to AJ anyways and I didn’t want to fuck that up anymore.

Macy was way drunker than me so I knew that she wouldn’t be much help, and she and Joel were kind of off in their own little world anyways. I didn’t want to have to look at them together being all happy and lovey-dovey when Kennedy had just called me a slut and I felt like absolute shit.

Jared was talking with Tess and Austin was about to seal the deal with a cute brunette at the bar so I didn’t want to interrupt him. And it seemed like all of my other friends at the bar were busy doing their own thing and actually being happy.

The next person that I could think of was Garrett. Garrett could always make me feel better and he was one of my best friends. Of course he wasn’t 21 yet so he wasn’t at the bar. Just my fucking luck. But that wasn’t going to stop me.

Nobody was paying attention as I grabbed my purse and found the keys to the car. I walked out of the bar unimpeded without a second thought and got in the car to drive to Garrett’s. In the back of my mind I knew that I shouldn’t be driving because I was still intoxicated and I was still crying but I just had to get away, and I needed to see Garrett. Garrett would make everything ok.

Or at least he would have if I had actually gotten there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long again. This semester is killing me. So much workkkk.
Thanks to those of you who commented on the last chapter. It really means a lot.
And this one also kind of took a long time because I changed my mind a lot as to what was going to happen. But now I have more of an idea so hopefully the next chapter won't take as long.
And comments always motivate me to write faster. (: