Fairytales (A Modern Cantenberry Tale)

Fairytales (A Modern Canterberry Tale)

Up and up the elevator flew fast,
On a journey that should only last
A mere few minutes at the very most,
But halfway up the steady coast
The big box stopped poised in midair
And at the walls and each other the captive passengers began to stare
And I felt my bored gaze linger
On a women who on her slender finger
Wore a ring the size of a small boulder,
Probably from a man who told her
He loved her. How could she help but draw
In a man with looks to die for? Not a flaw
Was present from her shoes up to her hair
Which fell in gold ringlets by her shoulders, bare
Of clothing for she wore a strapless red shirt
Which matched her lipstick and shoes that looked like they hurt
For they were as high as sleek skyscrapers.
Long lean legs as fair as paper
Poked out from her short skirt of black,
A think shape and slender curves she didn’t lack,
Her cheeks were flushed pink, rosy upon her face,
“Come!” she exclaimed, “Let us do something in this place!”
Two wide eyes as deep and blue as a pool,
Yet frozen over, cool as ice to fool
The world of her inner feeling and thought
“Long ago when my parents divorced I was taught
Many things about life and about love;
From my mother I was told above
All that an attractive appearance was key,
And out the door she would flee
On yet another date with a handsome man,
And my dad would come over for it was their plan
That he would watch me. He had a passion
For reading books and every time we’d ration
Which he’d read to me. The stories made me want more
In life, so I later decided a job in the Peace Core.
The stories taught me to help others and be kind
And though this true happiness I find.
Now listen close and listen well
To this story which will compel
You to think. When I was young my dad
Read it to me all the time. I will be glad to share it with you, for I know it by heart,
In the days of castles and magic is when it starts:


Long long ago in a kingdom far far away
Lived a king and a queen, who every night would pray
To God, hoping He’d listen,
And send them a baby boy whom they’d christen
Into their big, fancy kingdom,
A strong prince who would rule from
Morning to dusk; He would be humble and sweet,
Never knowing the rotten stench of defeat.
God indeed heard their plea, and decided to bless
Them with a healthy infant, a little girl in a dress.
Although a girl was not their first choice,
They still gave praise and sent sweet rejoice,
Though there was something about her that made them twist their hands,
Especially since everyone would see her in all the land;
It was just something about her face,
Everything was just a little out of place:
Her eyes were wide, not the least bit small,
Her long nose crooked as if she had a fall
From a high tree. Her two front teeth
Were slightly overlapped, and beneath
Her long, brittle hair hid two large ears.
This appearance gave the royalty fears
That when the time came
To marry, no one would take her, bringing shame
To the royal name. At first they were distraught,
And then came upon them a fast thought:
They needed to find the fairy with the glittering blue wings and the silvery gray hair,
But they knew finding her would be rare,
So out to the forest they went hurrying
Where they found her scurrying,
Sweeping beneath the trees, and helplessly pleaded
Their sad case. Full of pity she seeded
Inside of the small girl
A magic flower that made her swirl
In a glittering cloud that lifted her into the air,
And when placed back on the ground it was all the King and Queen could do but stare;
The little girl was completely transformed,
And they gave grateful praise to the fairy who preformed
The task that was thought to be impossible,
But now with her new looks, their daughter would be unstoppable!
Waving goodbye they walked out of the glade
And gazed upon the new face the fairy had made;
They looked into the two hazel eyes that now fit
Her face, sitting above a new slender nose, not the least bit
Bent. Her rosy cheeks sat high,
Her ears shrunken, no longer looking like they could make her fly
Into the sky. Her skin was white, pure like snow
Her full, soft petal lips drew back in a gentle smile to show
Teeth as white as pearls.
Soft golden curls
Billowed forth from her head
“Surely this girl will wed!”
Exclaimed the proud king
Knowing now his daughter was beautiful, she would one day get a ring.
Her dainty bare feet touched the mossy grass, her pink dress fluttering behind
As she skipped along beginning to find
The rest of her new life unfold.
The princess by many was told
She was blessed with the voice of a muse,
Though was quite unsure of its use;
She would travel into the forest every day
And sit by the rivers misty spray
Joyfully singing a wistful song.
A young rider, big and strong
Rode in on his horse one day, surprised to hear
Maidens melodious voice, and tried to steer
His steed towards the mesmerizing tone,
Longing to find and make her his own.
But no such maiden did he come across,
So he came back every day, refusing to make her his loss
In hopes of finding the girl who made the song flow,
He would hold her tight in his arms, never letting her go,
And promised to find her until the starts turned cold.
Each passing year caused her to grow a little bit old.
Her long hair grew longer
Her vivacious spirit grew stronger
As time moved along. She was absolutely stunning,
And sooner rather than later, the boys came a’running.
Every week she’d be on a new boys arm,
Not thinking it would do any harm
For quite easily she would let each one go,
Since none of them would really show
Any true affection. It was as if they had to get clearance
To show their feelings. She felt as if they only liked her for her appearance.
Yes they were handsome, brimming with chivalry.
But when she looked into their eyes, she didn’t see
Them glistening with love like she had dreamt,
And was stubborn, firmly bent
On finding one whose did. So she insisted on moving from boy to boy
Until she found one that gave her the joy
Her young heart yearned for.
But the King and Queen knew something more
About the new found princess,
Something they had yet to confess
To her. You see that day when they met the fairy in the glade
There was a strong bond, a promise that was made.
The fairy granted her beauty until she was twenty-one;
If she had not found true love by then, the deal would be done
And her original features would creep back and remain,
Giving her the deep pain
Of looking like that forever. But if she found true love by
Then, the features would stay.
So when she turned twenty, the King and Queen began to pray
That she would allow someone to come into her life
To refrain her from all the strife
She would have to go through otherwise.
They didn’t think it would be hard since their daughter was such a prize,
Yet by day three hundred and sixty four
She had yet to find someone to lure
Her in. That night she laid her head down to sleep
Unaware that her features were not hers to keep.
That morning when she awoke with the birds
She looked in the mirror and saw something absurd.
She jumped up with a startled cry
And found her parents who went to dry
Her tears but to no avail,
For she ran out the door, on to the trail
That ran deep through the trees,
Realizing woefully she could never please
Any man with the looks she had now,
Never would any of them allow
Her into their life,
Never would she become a wife.
Because of the tears her wide eyes were puffy.
She slumped by the river deflated. Her throat was stuffy
But it didn’t stop her from singing a sad song of woe.
Haunting music began to flow
Past her lips. As she sang her song of wallow,
The young man on his horse began to follow
It, for he had been among the leaves
Hoping for a chance to finally seize
The woman he had been dreaming
About. He peeked through the trees, and saw a girl with hair streaming
Over her face. “Hey you!” he said with a start,
Making her run away, and he chased after her with all his heart
Refusing to let her get away now that he had found
Her. She ran ahead of him, but tripped, falling to the ground.
He quickly assisted her back to her feet,
And she felt her face flush warm with heat.
She carefully studied the ground to hide her face
“Let me explain” he spoke, “I have come to this place
For a very long time
In hopes of finding and making mine
The woman who sings the beautiful songs,
I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything wrong.”
“It is I that you indeed hear,
But let me make myself clear,
Because of my face I could never by yours,”
And with that her tears began to pour.
His large, firm hands held her tiny arm,
And he pulled her close, full of alarm.
“Why whatever is the matter?”
He asked feeling his dream begin to shatter,
Not really sure of what she meant.
He tucked two fingers under her chin, and bent
It up gazing into her eyes.
The princess was overcome with surprise
That he did not run away in disgust
But instead, suddenly he thrust
His lips against hers. He then got down on one knee
And began to plea
That she marry him. His eyes, like his hair
Were brown. All she could do was stare
Into them getting lost in the affection
That swirled in them. A connection
Had definitely been made,
But there was still a part of her that was afraid,
“Does it not matter that my teeth
Overlap, and that two large ears hide beneath
My straw like hair that falls past my shoulder?”
“Don’t you know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
I’m in love with you because you are kind, funny, genuine, and wise,
With the two biggest, most beautiful eyes
I have ever seen” and so the Princess’ days were full of love and laughter
As her and her Prince lived happily ever after.”

“That was a wonderful story.” I complemented when we were through.
“Yes, it has always helped me to stay true
To what is important in this life, which is why
I must get off this elevator, so I can fly
To the meeting I have for the peace core,
If only they could somehow open up this door!”
“I must apologize for when this journey first began
I assumed that you were more the person to get a spray tan
Then be selfless, having a heart of gold
Trying to make this world a better place, truth be told.”
“I tend to get that by the haughty way I look,
But lessons from both my parents I have took.
I have a kind, open heart, and base
My opinions on character. But I trace
Back to my mother by having pride
In my appearance, so I’d
Never leave the house looking nothing but my best,
Which is why I have been blessed
With marrying the man of my dreams,
A model, whose smile beams
Across the magazines glossy page,
Not to mention, brings home a nice sized wage.
Anyhow, I thank you all for listening to my tale from the start
I hope like me, you treasure it, and keep it close to your heart.”