
Chapter 3

After embarking on my first adventure, I soon realized that the majority of what takes place is travelling. I was never as sore when I slept as I was that first week. The hard work and long hours shoveling hay were nothing compared to walking thirty miles in twelve hours. Unfortunately, that was only the beginning.

Fae dutifully carried her assigned portion of supplies, but was quickly growing weary. They had already been travelling for a week now, and had only just entered the forest of Vitt. Fae knew that she would eventually grow stronger from this process, but for now she was struggling to carry her supplies and keep up with the wagon. Thankfully, they weren't going to travel much farther that day, for the forest at night was almost impossible to see through. As Fae could see through the trees, the sun was already beginning to set.

"There is a clearing up ahead. We will make camp there," Terroth encouraged her. Terroth was another young guard who had chosen not to go into town with Arsis and his family. He had golden brown hair and friendly gray eyes. Fae had instantly found him to be much more enjoyable company than Trev.

Fae nodded back to him. "Thank you."

Terroth looked delightfully surprised, and Fae knew why. Since they had met, he had been doing all the talking. Fae probably would have conversed with him more, but carrying her load made her lose her breath much more quickly.

Ten minutes later, they were in a small, sheltered clearing. Fae noticed that it had been used often, but not anytime recently. The grass was trampled in some places, but seemed to be growing back without hindrance. The men set up the sleeping tents while Jessa got a fire going.

"Fae, dear," Jessa called. "Would you please fetch some more wood for the fire?"

Fae nodded, and set off into the forest. As she walked around, she observed. Surrounding her were tall oaks and maples, blossoming lightly with the aura of spring. She could hear the sounds of animals settling down for the night in their burrows. Around her, owls were hooting their hello. For a moment, Fae forgot who she was and what she was supposed to be doing. The music of the forest was enchanting her, making her want to forget herself. She probably would have let it, if Trev hadn't come up behind her and asked, "What's taking so long?"

Needless to say, his words brought her out of her reverie. Her mood changed in an instant, and she shouldered her way past him and into the camp, her arms full of wood.


Fae was sound asleep when the music came again. It whispered its way into her dreams, lulling her awake. She dressed swiftly then crept silently through the camp and into the forest. The music had no obvious source, so Fae just followed it wherever it told her to go. It led her to a clearing that was bathed in moonlight. The music seemed to grow louder here, and her heart filled with the sound of it. So great was its effect on her, that she began to dance around the clearing.

Soon, other bodies joined in her dance. They were all in perfect synchronization as they swayed and leaped to the music. Fae's body felt refreshed with each step she took. Her spirit was afire with the song of the forest, and she felt herself slipping away from the life she knew. She just wanted this night to go on forever. She did not weary of the dance and knew she never would.

Quickly, the bodies around Fae scattered into the forest. She felt as they did, that there was danger near. However, she was not sure where to run to. After all, this forest was not her home. She heard rustling in the bushes surrounding her clearing. Moments later, she saw a familiar face shining through the night. It took her a moment to realize who it was, then another one to realize who she was.

"Faeora," Trev said, sounding not at all pleased. "What are you doing away from the camp?"

"The music…" was all Fae could whisper. Her mind was still cloudy from the trance she had just been in, but it was clearing.

"There was no music. Now, we must get you back to camp before Arsis awakens. He'll be wondering why you're gone."

Fae followed after him obediently, wondering what he had meant by no music. Didn't he hear it? Didn't he feel its enchantment? Or was it all a dream? However, as Fae looked around at the scared faces hiding around them, she knew that nothing had ever truly seemed more real than that dance. She was certain that was going to be an issue.
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Okay, not so abrupt an ending, but still awfully vague. Here's hoping I keep interested in this story!! *crosses fingers*