‹ Prequel: Betrayal
Status: Done.. Next one to come soon

We Meet Again

Chapter 1

Percy P.O.V.

Me, Annabeth, and Tyson were exploring the Princess Andromeda. As we walked around we heard some people talking behind a door. It didn’t seem to extraordinary.. until Luke’s voice floated through the door.

At first I drifted toward his voice. It was the first time that I’ve heard it ever since he left me to die a year ago. I kept dreaming about it. Annabeth grabbed my arm. “No Percy!” She hissed at me, pulling me away from the door. I strained to hear what he was saying.

“We can destroy the prophecy ourselves. The fools wouldn’t know which way to turn.”

Then a deeper voice drifted through the door. “You really think the old horseman is gone for good?”

Luke laughed. That noise broke me out of the trance I was in. That was not Luke’s laugh. No Luke had a sweet laugh that could always make me smile. This laugh was cruel and evil and sent chills up and down my spine.

“They can’t trust him. Not with the skeletons in his closet. The poisoning of the tree was the final straw.” Luke answered the guy’s question.

I looked at Annabeth and nodded. We both tried to back up but Annabeth ran into a table behind her. Everything fell to the floor with a huge crash. We all froze. I heard the deeper voice say “Quiet!”

Then Luke whispered “Are you sure?”

“Yes. Right outside.” Before the words registered in my brain, Annabeth was putting her Yankee cap over my head and the door opened.

“Ah if it isn’t my favorite cousin. How are you Annabeth? Please come in.” I saw something silver and shiny flash against Luke’s chest as I followed Annabeth into the room without anyone knowing.

Looking carefully at it, I saw that it was a heart and could barely make out my name carved into it. My 3 month anniversary present to him. He actually kept it. I was surprised. Luke looked straight at me as if he could see me. It felt like he was staring right into my eyes.

His eyes widened. “Well, well, well.” He said walking right up to me and pulling the cap off my head.

“Hey Perce. How you been?” He asked, a big smirk on his face.

“L-l-luke. Don’t call me that!” I said. He laughed and, unlike his earlier laugh, it was a Luke laugh. The kind of laugh that only I can get out of him.

“What? Perce? But that’s my nickname for you. I’m sure you saw that I kept your necklace.” He came closer. “I’ve missed you Perce.”

And then in front of everyone, all the monsters, Annabeth, Tyson, the other campers and bodyguards, and the golden coffin that I knew held Kronos, Luke kissed me. And just like every other time, my legs turned to jelly and my arms immediately went around his neck.

The kiss felt like coming home. It was everything I remembered. I sighed and Luke took the opportunity to shove his tongue in my mouth. We both moaned when our tongues came in contact with each other.

He pulled apart. “I’ve missed you too.” I whispered. He smiled. “So does that mean you’ve changed your mind?”

I couldn’t do it. Although I had missed Luke greatly, it still hurt that he had tried to kill me.
“Before you make your decision, I have your real anniversary present.” Luke announced. He pulled out a necklace on a silver chain.

“I would’ve given you this last year if you had said yes.” He said coming close to fasten it around my neck. Then he handed me another one and I put it on him.” Then he stepped close and held them together.

Each chain had half a heart charm. Mine said Luke and his said Percy. His matched his other necklace perfectly. The two halves snapped together magnetically. (1)

That’s when I felt the love I had for Luke radiate through my body and stepped closer, grabbed his head and pulled him in for a kiss. All the love that I felt I put into the kiss. Everything I did was out of love. I was defeating Kronos so that Luke will be mine. With love on my side I can’t lose. (2)

So I pulled out of the kiss. “I love it Luke. But I think you know that I can’t join you. I love you.” I took a step back.

“I anticipated that. I love you too Perce. And I will get you to join one of these days.”

Then he hugged me. “You’re a fool for the gods Percy.” That’s when Tyson growled.

“Percy no fool. You hurt Percy.” And before I could stop he charged Luke and began to beat him up. (3)

“Tyson! No stop it! You’re gonna hurt him.” I cried, pulling him off. Luke stood up and spit out blood. I walked over and started to help him clean himself off. But he pushed me off and pressed a red button.

Soon security came in and grabbed all three of us.

“Orieus!” Luke yelled. Some big guy stepped forward. “See to it that our guests get to see how the drakon is fed.” He nodded and we were lead out of the room.

Out on the main deck I looked at Tyson and nodded. He pushed his guard off and smacked Orieus thirty feet into the pool. Me and Annabeth managed to get our guys off and all three of us started running.

“Go to the lifeboat!” I yelled and we all ran and jumped in. While people charged at us the boat dropped towards the water.

“Thermos..” I yelled at Tyson, who tossed me the thermos that Hermes gave me. I opened it and some wind propelled us forward. The boat hit water and jumped.. once.. twice.. three times. Behind us I heard screams of rage from the Princess Andromeda. I sighed while watching the ship move farther and farther away.

“I still love you Luke. Even if you try to kill me a hundred times… I always will.” I whispered. And I know that even though he was drifting far away, he still heard me.
♠ ♠ ♠
1. Ok so I saw these in the store a couple of days ago and had to put them in the story. But then I realized it made me sound redundant. But I like that now they have matching necklaces. Might find some way to make it an even sweeter thing.

2. I was listening to the Legally Blonde the Musical soundtrack and the song “What You Want” came on. I had to incorporate the lyrics in there.

3. Oh Tyson…..

Kay so I really like this. I don’t care if you don’t cuz I do. Awh Luke still wears his necklace. I believe that it’s proof enough that Luke still loves Percy. And Percy loves Luke no matter how many times Luke tries to kill him.

I think that Luke is really sweet… even though he’s tried to kill Percy so many times. In fact, some stupid kids in my old English class used to make fun of me cuz I cried when Luke died.

Anyway I’m kinda excited for the next part… Even though it’s gonna be a little sad. Hope you guys liked this. Please rate, comment, enjoy.

Love you.