Just A Dream: Wwe Miz Fanfic

Do you ever get that feeling? The feeling you get when your just about to run for a race. The feeling that makes you feel like your hearts about to beat out of your chest? Well that was the feeling I got when my eyes met his. It was awkward at first and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. All that was coursing through my head was “I need to make him mine.” At first I thought I was crazy for immediately feeling that way for such a asshole but when I began to know him, he was different then what other people saw. With me he….he was himself. The loving, funny, caring, sweet, amazing guy not the hateful, rude, cocky asshole everyone else saw. No to me….to me he was the man I loved, and this is our story about how even the most greatest of things can come to a horrible end….
  1. Characters
    Here are the characters of the story