Sequel: This Broken Place.
Status: complete (: check out the sequel

If I Could Gather up the Nerve

Growing Up

John and Jane first met when they were two when Jane’s parents moved in next door to the Trotter's. The two of them were the same age John was only four days older then her. From the day their moms met they always joked around that they were going to be in laws that the kids were going to get married. From the moment they met John and Jane were best friends.
5 Years old
John and Jane were sitting in on the swing sets at the park. They were at the park playing with Jane’s mom Mrs. Dylan. The two of them jumped off the swings and ran to the sand box. They were minding their own business, when a random boy who was about seven came up and grab Jane’s dinosaur out of her hand and threw it. Jane stared at him in shock as with tears forming in her eyes. John jumped up and shoved the kid.
“Give Jane back her toy.” John said
The kid went and grabbed Jane’s dinosaur and handed it to her and ran away. It was that moment that Jane knew that John would always be there to protect her.
10 Years Old
It was the first day of fifth grade. Jane was sitting in the Trotter’s kitchen with John eating breakfast. John’s mom was going to take them to school because both of Jane’s parents had work before school started.
“Jane, why do you look so nervous?” John asked concerned
“I guess I am nervous what if my teacher doesn’t like me?” Jane said aimlessly moving her food around on her plate.
“You have no need to worry. Me and you are in the same class this year it’s going to be amazing.” John said with a huge smile on his face.
15 years old
Jane looked out her bedroom window to see Mrs. Trotter saying “Do me a favor since your leaving never come back.”
“I don’t plan on it” Mr. Trotter said turning around. That was the moment Jane took off running from her bed room down stairs and out her back door and went through the gate connecting the Trotter’s house to the Dylan’s house. She ran through the gate to climb on to the side wall were you could get on the roof and walked across the roof to John’s room. Opened the window and crawled in. She had done this multiple times this is how her and John got to each others rooms.
When she crawled into his room she found John sitting on his bed crying. Jane went and sat next to him on his bed. He looked at her with tears streaming down his face.
“he’s gone for good this time Jane. My mom told him to never to come back.” John said trying to catch breath from crying.
“I know John I am so sorry.” Jane grabbed John and pulled him into a hug and just held him as he cried.
16 years old
Jane waited at her locker at lunch like she did everyday waiting for John to come and get her so they could decide what they would eat for lunch. That’s when she saw him walking up holding hands with Rose. She knew John liked Rose but she didn’t think it was more then a crush that was one sided. It was then they stopped walking and Rose turned and pulled John in and started making out with him in the middle of the quad. She then saw one of Rose’s friends wave at them. Rose then pulled John and they went and sat with her friends.
This was the moment she realized she like John as more then just a friend. She closed her locker and walked over to the tree her and John sat everyday with tears streaming down her face. She had never been blown off by John.

Jane sat on her bed flipping through a magazine when John climbed through her window.
“hey Jane you wont believe how amazing today was.” John said with a huge smile on his face.
“oh I can bet it was awesome.” Jane said not holding out on the sarcasm.
“what’s with the attitude?” John said confused
“um maybe its about the fact that you blew me off today to make out with Rose, and eat lunch with her and her bimbo friends.” Jane said beyond annoyed with John.
“I did not blow you off, also Rose and her friends are not bimbos.” John said defending Rose.
“honestly I don’t care. John get out of my room and go make out with Rose or something.” Jane said going back to reading her magazine.
“Okay get off your high horse there Jane. You’re no better then Rose.” John annoyed with Jane.
“Whatever John you know Rose doesn’t like me. She never has. I never understood why you liked her.” John stood their in shock.
“Maybe Rose never liked you because your bitch.” John regretted the words the second they came out of his mouth.
Jane sat there with tears welling up in her eyes with a look like John had just slapped her. She stood there completely speechless not knowing what to say. John pretty much ripped her heart out.
“Oh my God Jane I did not mean that. I am so sorry.” John said going to hug her. Jane pushed him away before he could get close enough.
“Go away John. I cant even look at you right now.” Jane told him now with tears running down her face
John then walked to the window and crawled out he peaked his head in and said “Jane I am so so sorry.”
17 years old
It had been a year since John and Jane’s big fight. Jane was walking to her car after school when she passed John. John smiled at her but she just looked down at her feet and kept walking They have not said much to each other since their big fight in Jane’s room.

John found out that Jane was going to go live with her aunt in California from his mom.
John was sitting at the table eating breakfast when his mom sat across from him.
“John you need to fix your relationship with Jane before she goes to California.”
“Mom if I could of fixed it, it would have been fixed by now. You don’t think I miss my best friend?” John said upset
“I know sweetheart. I know. I just miss how happy you always were when you were with Jane.”
“yeah well I let a girl ruin that. A girl I only dated for a few months.” John said taking a drink of his orange juice.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is my first story i have ever posted. This is pretty scary. I need to thank alltimeamandamaine & stephaniefaith for helping me with this story.
Chapter title from The Maine
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