Sequel: This Broken Place.
Status: complete (: check out the sequel

If I Could Gather up the Nerve

Say What They'll Say

The Dylan's and the Brock's decided since the kids were dating they should have more family dinners.
It was five o'clock when the Brock's knocked on the Dylan's door. Jane ran down stairs to answer the door.
"Hello, come on it."
Kennedy and his parents stepped through the door. Kennedy then went straight to Jane. He hugged her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.
"Hey babe." He smiled.
" Hey."
When it was dinner time Kennedy and Jane sat next to each other. They all sat there eating.
"How long have you guys been dating now?" Mr. Dylan asked.
"About two months now." Kennedy said.
"Aren't you two glad you both admitted you liked each other?" Mrs. Brock said smiling
"I know I am." Jane giggled.
After dinner was over Jane and Kennedy were sitting on Jane's bed.
Kennedy looked at Jane and gave her a funny look.
"I think I'm ready to move out." Kennedy said out of no where.
"I know we haven't been dating long, but I have known you pretty much all my life will you move in with me?" Jane sat there in shocked.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah absolutely positive."
"Where are we going to live?"
"Will find a apartment. Will go out looking tomorrow." Jane then leaned over and kissed Kennedy.
"So we need to tell our parents tonight." Jane told Kennedy.
"Yeah. Why don't we do it now?"
"How do you think their going to take it?"
"I have no clue."
The two of them walked down the stairs and joined both of them their parents in the living room.
"Um can we talk to you guys." Jane said while her and Kennedy sat down on the loveseat.
"Okay." All of the parents said sitting down.
"Um we have made the decision we want to move in together. Kennedy said with a hopeful smile on his face.
They all sat there not knowing what to say.
"Jane are you pregnant?" Mrs. Dylan was the first to break the silence.
Jane's eyes about bugled out of her head. "No." She about yelled.
"I understand where she's coming from." Mrs. Brock said.
"Why else would you want to move in with each other?" Mr. Brock said.
"Because I love her, and she's my best friend."
"Love my ass. You guys have been together for two months." Mr. Dylan said.
"I've known him since I was two. You wouldn't have a problem with me moving in with Kennedy if we weren't dating."
"Yeah I would. You two got in a huge fight and quit talking for three years. You moved to California to get away from him." Mrs. Dylan said.
"Mom I hate to say this but I'm twenty years old I'm moving in with him." Kennedy and Jane stood up and walked out to Jane's car.
They both got in Jane's car and started driving.
"Where do you want to go?" Jane asked.
"I don't know."
"I can't believe my mother. Jane are you pregnant?" Jane said mocking her mother voice.
"Way to have faith in me. What did she think? I was like 'hey Kennedy how have you been for the last three year? Let's go have sex right now." Kennedy snickered a little to himself.
"Its not funny." Jane said hitting Kennedy in the arm.
"Ow, was that needed?"
"Yes it was."
"You can't blame her. We have been dating for two months and known each other forever. A lot of people have sex on the first date. We almost did before we were even dating." Jane then pulled over in front of the park.
"It would be a little hard for you to knock me up since we have never done it."
Kennedy grabbed Jane's hand and said "don't worry we'll go home and tell out parents we respect them but we are not children any more. That we are going to move in together."
He then pulled her hand up and kissed it.
Jane drove them both home. They got out of the car and Kennedy walked over and pulled Jane into a hug and kissed her.
"Hey everything is going to be alright."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title: The Bigger Lights
I honestly think this is how my mom would react lol.

My Garrett Story
My John Story