Sequel: This Broken Place.
Status: complete (: check out the sequel

If I Could Gather up the Nerve

All Downhill From Here

Kennedy found out that night that Jane was in a car crush and hit a puddle of water and hydroplaned causing her to hit a the railing on the side of the road.
There were three shows left on the tour. The Dylan's told Kennedy to stay on the tour and come home when the tour was done.
Before they did sound check Kennedy was sitting on the couch in the green room just staring at the wall.
"Kennedy are you ok?" John asked.
"How the fuck can I be ok? Jane's in critical condition in the hospital back in Tempe and I'm in the middle of bum fuck nowhere. I can't do anything."
"I know Kennedy but even if you were there you can't do anything."
"Whatever I just want to get home." Kennedy said annoyed by the fact John didn't know what he was going through.

When Kennedy was finally home he went straight to the hospital to see Jane.
When he got there the doctors informed him that Jane was in a coma on life support, and they don't know if or when Jane will wake up.
Kennedy sat by Jane's bed holding her hand crying to himself.
"Jane I'm so so so sorry. I should have let you hang up. I'm sorry I got mad at you for talking to Lucas, and not for trusting you. Babe you don't understand how much you mean to me." Kennedy said crying.
"I just got you back Jane. This isn't fair. I need you. You're my everything." Kennedy turned around when he heard the door open.
"Hey Kennedy." Mr. Dylan said as he walked in.
"Do they no anything Drew?" Kennedy said to Jane's dad. He stood up and wiped the tears off his cheek.
"No sorry Kennedy. Lily and I are going to go see a specialist that does with this type of trauma. If you like to go you can."
"No I'm going to stay here with Jane."

Jane had been in a coma for a week and the Dylan's had seen about four different specialists.
Kennedy had only left hospital to sleep, and when ever he left he couldn't bring himself to go to the apartment he shared with Jane.
He was sleeping in his old room at his parent’s house. Sleeping was the only thing he didn't do at the hospital.
Kennedy woke up and showered real quick and head straight to the hospital.
When he got there he went straight to sit next to Jane's bed. He wanted to be there when she woke up.

Kennedy decided he needed to go back to his and Jane's apartment.
When he arrived there he stood in the living room and took a deep breath. It was the first time he had been home since he went on tour and since Jane was in the car crash.
He went to straight to his bed room and stripped down to his boxers-briefs and crawled in bed.
He just wanted to go to bed and wake up this nightmare that was called his life.

When Kennedy got to the hospital the next morning he found the Dylan's and Jane's doctor talking.
"Kennedy I think you need to sit down. We need to tell you something." Lily Jane's mom said.
"What is it?" Kennedy said sitting in the chair next to Jane's bed.
"Jane's in a coma, and the rate she's at there is about a 90% chance she's not going to wake up." The doctor told Kennedy.
All the sudden Kennedy felt tears build up in his eyes. He could believe what the doctor had just told him.
"Kennedy we think its best you take Jane off of life support." The doctor told him.
"What?" Kennedy said shocked.
"Kennedy we don't feel like we have the right to make this decision. She you fiancé, and you are her everything. Were leaving the decision up to you, because we honestly don't know what to." Mrs. Dylan said crying.
Kennedy sat there shocked. All the color was gone from his face.
Jane's life was left into Kennedy's hands.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title: New Found Glory
so I wrote a sequel. That one will not be updated daily, but it will be updated often.
This was really depressing to write.
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The Sequel
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