Sequel: This Broken Place.
Status: complete (: check out the sequel

If I Could Gather up the Nerve

You Left Me

Jane walked into the kitchen to find her mother sitting at the table drink tea and reading a book.
“Hey mom, do you know anything about John writing me letter while I was living in California?” Jane said sitting down next to her mom at the table.
“Yeah your aunt mailed them all to me.” Mrs. Dylan said looking up from her book for a moment.
“Why did I never get any of these?” Jane said annoyed.
“Because when you left it was to get a fresh start and to move on from John. So me and your aunt and your father all talked about it and decided it was being best if you didn’t read them.”
“What made you think you had the right to do that? Where are they I want to read them?” Jane said now standing leaning against the counter.
Jane’s mom left the room and came back shortly with a stack of letters.

It was 3:55 when Kennedy head downstairs from his bedroom to go over to Jane’s house. He walked through his house and out the door to Jane’s house. When he walked outside he saw Jane sitting on her front porch with a stack of letters.
“Hey Jane what are you reading?” Kennedy asked and going and sitting next to her the porch.
“Your letters” she said looking up with tears streaming down her face.
“Where did you get them?”
“I guess my family made a decision that I didn’t need to read them. My mom had them here this whole time.”
“Oh. How many have you read.”
“About five of them.” Jane said wiping some of the tears from her eyes.
“Oh why are you crying?”
“Because I realized I just should have forgave you that night. That if I did we wouldn’t be where we are now. That we would have graduated together like we planned. We could of double dated to prom.”
“Jane I wouldn’t have wanted to double date with you. I would have gone with you.”
“Of course. I also would have walked with you instead of Stephen.” Kennedy said smiling at her and wiping some of the tears from her cheeks.
They walked into Jane’s backyard to find Mr. Dylan on the barbeque and Mrs. Dylan sitting at the table out back reading a magazine.
“Hi Mr. and Mrs. Dylan.” Kennedy said waving to them.
“Oh my God Kennedy. It’s great to see you here again son.” Mr. Dylan said smiling and patting Kennedy on the shoulder.
“Kennedy are you Jane friends again?” Mrs. Dylan said smiling
“Yeah we are.” Kennedy said with a huge smile on his face.
“About time it took what about four years for you to become friends again.” Mrs. Dylan said smiling
“Yeah mom.” Jane said

After Kennedy had gone home, Jane was laying in her bed staring at the clock. It was one o’clock and she was no where near tired so she decided to go see if Kennedy was awake. She looked out her window straight across to see that his window was open
She snuck down stairs and walked through her backyard to Kennedy’s backyard to the wall she always used to climb on to get on to Kennedy’s roof. Once she was on roof she head straight to Kennedy’s window.
When she got close she noticed that Kennedy’s light was on and he was sitting on his bed playing guitar.
“Hey” Jane said crawling through his window and sitting on his bed next to him.
“Wow last time you crawled through my window you were sixteen.”
“Yeah I was.”
“So should I assume you can’t sleep?” Kennedy said laughing and laying his guitar next to his night stand.
“You would be correct, and also I just wanted to see if I still had the ability to get on your roof.”
“Well I see you do.”
“Yeah. So how was your twentieth birthday Mr. Kennedy Brock?”
“It was pretty amazing. I got what I have been wishing for, for about two in half years.” Kennedy said turning and smiling at Jane.
“And what would that be?”
“You coming home, and you forgiving me.”
“Really that’s what you have been wishing for.’
“Yeah do you know how much I have missed you over the years?”
“About as much as I missed you.”
“Yeah probably.”
Jane crossed her legs and turned and faced Kennedy.
“I miss the old times like this when we hung out like every single minute of the day.” Jane said smiling
“Yeah so do I. You know I broke up with Rose because of you right?” Kennedy said closing his eyes tightly for a minute.
“No I did not know that.”
“Yeah you were right about her being a bitch.”
“Yeah I know I was. She also a bitch for making me lose you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So i can't wait to post next chapter that's when things really start heating up.
I need to thank alltimeamandamaine thank you for commenting and being my best friend. Love You.
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Chapter tilte from The Maine
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