Status: Complete!

Whoever She Is

Just a boy and a girl

The second Grace had left Garrett house he got into his car and drove straight to
Kennedy’s house. He parked his car and pretty much took of on a run to Kennedy’s door.
He rang the doorbell and waited impatiently for Kennedy to answer the door. When Kennedy saw how antsy Garrett was and he was not sure if he should be worried
“Garrett are you ok?”
“yeah I am more then ok. Grace agreed to go on a date with me on Friday.”
“really I told you she would say yes. You were freaking out over nothing.”
“yeah I guess you were right” Garrett smiled.

The rest of the week was uneventful for both of them. They both had been counting down the days till Friday. So when Friday finally rolled around they were both really excited.Grace decided to wear her favorite floral sundress with her brown sandals. She also curled her hair and did her make up. She wanted her date with Garrett to be perfect.
Garrett put on his favorite his favorite flannel, skinnies and his black Toms on. He ran his fingers through his hair to give it the style he wanted. Garrett then grabbed his keys and drove over to Grace’s house
Garrett was at Grace front door at six like when he said he would be. He smiled big when Grace answered the door.
“Hey” Grace waves at Garrett.
“You look beautiful.”
“Thanks, you’re not looking too bad yourself” hearing her say that just made him smirk.
“So where are we going?” Grace asked Garrett with a smile on her face.
“it’s a surprise” Garrett said with a smile on his face.
As the two of them walked to Garrett’s car they both had huge smiles on their faces. Garrett realized the first night he hung out with Grace the night they officially met he wanted to date her that she was something special. In Grace case she had always wanted to date him.
It hit Grace at that moment she was going on a date with Garrett. Garrett Nickelsen. Garrett Nickelsen from The Maine. She never realized how crazy it sounded.
On the way to where ever Garrett was taking them he put his Ryan Adams in and had it playing. He started to sing along with the stereo. He then stopped singing and looked at Grace.
“I love his music” he said with a huge smile on his face.
This made Grace laugh.
This was one thing Grace new well before she was even friends with Garrett. Garrett’s love for Ryan Adams was a well know fact.
“Garrett I think everyone knows you love Ryan Adams.” She said giggling.
“Really everyone?” He said with a smirk.
“Yes everyone. You have only mentioned it in your YouTube videos about a million times.”
“I have not mentioned it a million times.”
“ok maybe not a million times but pretty close.”
“ok” he said smiling.
“You know I never asked you what you already knew about me before I met you”
“I knew you loved Ryan Adams, Star Wars, and anything Zombies. Oh my god I sound like a complete stalker.”
“No you don’t. I made those very obvious to everyone I love them.”
“I still feel like a crazy fan girl.”
“You’re not at all.” It was then that they arrived at PF Changs.

Grace and Garrett were sat in a two person booth. Once there the both ordered their drinks and food. The whole time they were talking, they were both thoroughly enjoying themselves.
“Grace can I ask you something?” Garrett asked with a serious look on his face.
“yeah Garrett anything.” Grace said very unsure of what he was going to ask.
“why haven’t I met your friends yet?” Grace was really stalling on having to have Garrett meet the girls.
It had nothing to do with Garrett at all. It had to do with the fact he is not sure how Jasey, Dakota, and Cassadee would act. In fact the girls kept bugging her to meet him. She had just been stalling.
“I don’t know. I guess it’s because I’m scared they might freak out and die in front you.”
“really? Die? I highly doubt they would die.”
“I know it’s just. I thought I was going to pass out being in Starbucks with you”
“really? You almost passed out?” Garrett asked concerned.
“no not really but I would be lying to you if I said I didn’t almost go all fan girl on your ass.”
“that’s really cute… wait how did you mange dinner at my house that first night?”
“to be honest I kinda freaked out on the inside when I saw it was you that answered the door. But when you started talking to me at the table it really calmed me down.”
“really? You seemed so calm that night.”
“yeah” Grace said.
“you know the first time I ever saw you in Starbucks before the show you really caught my attention.”
“Really? Why? I’m nothing special.”
“Believe me Grace you are something special.”
“Garrett I don’t know how I stood out to you.”
“Your hair caught my attention first and I realized how pretty you are.”
”Thank you Garrett”
Dinner was done and they were on their way back to Grace house when she turned to Garrett and said “hey do you want to meet my friends tomorrow?”
“yeah I would love to meet them.”
“ok come over to my house tomorrow morning at eleven.”
“ok that sounds good. Thank you for letting me meet them.”
“you’re welcome. I am apologizing now if they freak the fuck out in front of you.”
“I am pretty sure they’ll be fine”
“ok what ever you say” It was then they arrived at Grace’s house. Grace got out of the car and started towards the house and said “bye Gare I will see you tomorrow morning”
Garrett jumped out of his car and yelled “hey hey hey no.”
“What Garrett?” Grace said not sure what was wrong with him.
“What kind of gentlemen would I be if I didn’t walk you to your door?”
“I don’t know? You don’t have to. It’s not like a zombie is going to come out of nowhere and attack me.”
“Grace please just let me have this. I just want to walk you to your door”
Grace was not sure why Garrett was so insistent on walking her to her door, but she was just going to let him walk her to her door.
Garrett ran around his car and laced his fingers with Grace and start walking towards her front door hand in hand with Garrett.
Once at her door Grace looked into Garrett’s piercing blue eyes and said “I had a lot of fun tonight.”
“I did too. Would you like to go with me to the bands party on Sunday? We are having it because we leave for Warped Tour on Tuesday?”
“yeah I would love too”. Grace was getting ready to turn away to go inside when Garrett spoke out of nowhere.
“Grace would it be ok if I kissed you” Grace smiled real big.
“I’d love for you to kiss me.” A moment later Garrett brushed Grace’s hair behind her ear, and placed his hand on her cheek and lightly pressed his lips to Grace’s. Their lips moved in sync for a few moments. When they both pulled away, they both had smiles on their faces.
“that was nice.” Garrett smirked at her.
“Yeah it was.”
“well I guess I should get going. I will see you tomorrow morning.” Garrett walked back to his car with a hug smile on his face.
While driving home Garrett made the decision that he was not going to tell any of the guys that he and Grace kissed. He knew they were not official yet but he did not want to have to deal with the guys. He new they would give him shit and he just did not want to do with it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title: (He Is We: Happily Ever After)
My John Story
My Kennedy Story