Status: Complete!

Whoever She Is

She had it all figured out

The door bell rang and Grace went downstairs to get the door knowing it was the girls. Grace answered the door and said “hey girls lets go to my room.”
They all ran up to her room Grace sat on her full bed. Dakota sat cross legged on the foot of the bed. Jasey and Cassadee both sat on the floor.
Cassadee got up and went to Grace Itouch that was on her speakers and turned on The Maine on shuffle and the first so that came on was “Girls Do What They Want”. Grace just looked at Cassadee and smiled when she did this. Cassadee then went and sat down again.
“So how’s things going with Garrett?” Jasey then asked.
“Really good.” Grace got a huge smile on her face just by the mention of his name.
“Oh my god look how she lit up just by the mention of his name.” Cassadee said.
“Are you in love with him?” Dakota jumped in.
“um I don’t know… I think so.” Grace said sitting staring at the ground.
“You so are.” Cassadee said
“When are you going to tell him?” Jasey asked.
“I don’t plan on it yet. I don’t want him to think I am clingy.”
“You should tell him the day he gets back. I bet he feels the same way.” Dakota said.
“I just might” Grace said.

Grace’s mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner and Grace was leaning against the counter.
“Sweetheart how are you and Garrett?” Her mom asked not losing focus on cooking dinner.
“We’re really good. He’s coming soon.”
“Yeah that’s what his mom told me on the phone the other day.”
“Mom how do you know when you’re in love?” Her mom turned around and smiled.
“You love Garrett don’t you?” Her mom said smiling.
“Yeah I’m pretty sure I do.”
“Every time you’re with him you feel like the earth has quit moving and it’s just the two of you?”
“Do you get butterflies whenever your around him, or somebody even mentions him?”
“Yeah I do.” Grace said looking at the ground and smiling.
“well sweetheart it sounds like you’re in love.”
“Hey mom is it ok if Dakota come over for dinner and spends the nights?”
“Of course she can.”

After dinner Grace and Dakota were hanging out in Grace’s room. Listening to All Time Low.
“I cant believe Garrett introduced you to All Time Low.” Dakota said smiling.
“Yeah I cant either. I don’t even know how I was able to function around Alex.”
“I know I probably wouldn’t be able to.” Dakota said laughing.
“How bad would it have been if you passed out because of Alex in front of Garrett?” Dakota said giggling.
“It would have been really bad.” Grace said giggling.
“you could have been like, oh I’m feeling faint Alex catch me.” Dakota acted out laughing the hole time.
“Yeah I don’t think so Dakota. I didn’t freak when I met Alex. I was focused on the fact I was there with Garrett.” Grace sat on her bed and Dakota joined her.
“So how many fan girls do you think hate you because you’re Garrett’s girlfriend?” Dakota said with a grin on her face.
“Who knows.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title: The Maine: Into Your Arms
Please don't hate me. I know it's short, and it's also kinda a filler. I also felt like it was needed. I wanted to talk about when Grace realized she was in love with Garrett. So Grace's having a crush on Alex Gaskarth is because he is one of my crushes.
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So I started writing this new story about these two best friends. It's going to have Garrett and Kennedy in it. I have one chapter posted so far. Its Crashing Into Nothing
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My John Story
My Kennedy Story