Status: Complete!

Whoever She Is

No there’s gotta be something

Grace woke up the next morning to Dakota calling her. She grabbed he phone.
“Hello” Grace said barely awake.
“Why didn’t you tell me Garrett was going on tour with All Time Low?” Dakota said excitedly.
“Because I had no clue they were. Garrett hasn’t mentioned anything about a tour.” Grace had no clue why Garrett hadn’t told her about this tour.
“Hey Dakota I will call you back later.”
“Okay.” Dakota said confused.
Grace hopped her bed and went straight to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Put on her floral top and shorts. She then ran a brush through her hair, and put it in a ponytail. Grabbed her keys and head out the door.
Once in her car she head straight to Garrett’s house. Once there she grabbed her phone and called Trey. She knew he would be awake.
“Hey Grace I think you dialed me instead of my brother.” Trey sounded confused on why she was calling him.
“Nope I meant to call you. Can you let me in I need to talk to your brother and I would bet money that he is asleep.”
“Yeah no problem. Let me come down.” About a minute later Trey opened the front door and Grace walked in. She saw Mr. and Mrs. Nickelsen in the kitchen.
“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Nickelsen.”
“Hi Grace are you here for Garrett?’ Mr. Nickelsen asked.
“Yeah I am.”
On the way to Garrett’s room Trey look at Grace and asked “So are you mad at Garrett.”
“Nope I just want to know why I found out from Dakota that he is leaving in about a month for tour, and not from him.”
It was then Grace walked into Garrett’s room. Trey stood in the door way and watched as Grace walked over to Garrett’s bed and straddled his waist.
“Well then this is my cue to leave. I am going to lock the door for you.” Trey said smiling and leaning in and locking the door. Grace flipped him off as he left the room.
Once straddling him poked his chest and said “so when did you plan on telling me you were leaving for the All Time Low tour in about a month?”
Garrett’s eyes about bugled out of his head over the fact that Grace had woke him up like this.
“What time is it?” Garrett asked her barely awake.
“9:10 don’t change the subject. When were you going to tell me?” Grace said rolling her eyes. Garrett decided he was going to change things up. He then rolled the two of them over so that he was on top of her.
“Honestly I was going to tell you today.” Garrett said biting his lip.
“Why did you wait so long to tell me?”
“Honestly I don’t know, and yesterday at lunch when I was zoning out. I was because I was thinking about how I was going to tell you.”
“What do you mean you don’t know why you didn’t tell me?” Grace said rolling them over so she was on top. Poking his chest again.
“I didn’t tell you because I was scared you would break up with me or want to go on a break while I’m on tour.” Garrett won’t look at her.
“Well I’m not going to break up with you or suggest we go on a break.”
“Really?” Garrett’s face lit up.
“Yes really. We were fine when you were on Warped Tour right.” Grace then pinned Garrett’s hands over his head.
“Yeah we were.” Garrett said smiling.
“Do me a favor and tell me the next time when you find out about a tour please.” Grace said smiling and leaning down and kissing Garrett.
Garrett then pulled away from the kiss and said “Will do sweetheart” Garrett then went back to kissing Grace. That’s when there was a knock on the door.
“Garrett, your dad and I are going to your grandmother house till four. We will be back in time for dinner at Grace’s house tonight.” Garrett was staring at the door.
“Okay mom will do.” Garrett went back to kissing Grace.
“So” Grace pecked him on the lips “you are” kissing him again. “Coming over my house” kissing him once again “for dinner tonight with the family” kissing him once again.

“Yeah I guess I am.” Garrett said pulling away and kissing her again. Grace then got off of him and started towards the door. Garrett then hopped of his bed in his boxer-briefs after her.
“Hey hey hey. Where are you going? We were just getting started.” Garrett said grabbing her wrist and turning her towards him and pressing her against the door. Once she was backed against the door. Garrett put his arms around her blocking her in.
“I was going to go home.” She said hesitantly. Garrett then started kissing her neck.
“You’re not going anywhere” Garrett said against her neck
“Oh really I’m not.” Grace said with a smirk on her face. Things picked up quickly and got more heated. Clothes came off and they ended up on his bed.
They laid there in each others arms for ten minutes, when Grace got up and said “I got plans with Dakota. I will see you tonight.”
She got dress and fixed her hair real quick in the mirror and went over and kissed Garrett on the lips.
“Love you Grace.” Garrett said getting up and throwing on some basketball shorts so he could walk Grace out.
“Love you too Garrett.” The two walked out to Grace’s car. She pecked him on the lips and then got in her car and drove off.
Garrett walked into the kitchen to find Trey pouring a bowl of cereal. Garrett walked over and poured himself a bowl of cereal.
“So how much trouble are you in?” Trey said in between bites.
“I’m not in trouble she just wanted to know why I waited to tell her.”
“You lucked out.”
“Yeah I sure did.”


“Hey Dakota.” Grace said when Dakota answered her front door.
“Hey I thought you would still be with Garrett.” Dakota said as the two of them walked up stairs to Dakota’s room.
“Nope. I’m hanging out with you today.”
“How did things go with Garrett?” Dakota asked as the walked to her room.
“Great. I asked him next time he finds out about a tour he needs to tell.” She said as they sat on Dakota bed.
“That’s good.”
“How are going to deal with him being gone again?”
“I don’t know I’m obviously going to miss him.”
“Can you believe he’s going on tour with All Time Low.”
“I know. I still can’t believe I met them.”
“I can’t believe you met them either. I’m pretty jealous.”
“Where is Cassadee and Jasey?” Grace asked.
“Well Cass is hanging out with Pat I think, and Jasey at her grandma’s.”
“what’s going on with Cass and Pat?”
“they both agreed it would be best if they stayed friends and not date.”
“And they’re both fine with that?” Grace asked not believing it.
“Wow that’s kinda shocking.”
“I know.”


Garrett was in his car on his way to Kennedy apartment. He kept thinking to himself that he only a little less then a month with Grace. He then walked up to Kennedy’s door and knock.
“Hey what’s up Garrett?” Kennedy said with a smile on his face
“Nothing. I’m not hanging with Grace till night so I decided I should spend the day with you.” Garrett said walking in and sitting on the coach
“Well then thank you Garrett. I am so glad to hear that I am your second choice. Love you too bud.” Kennedy said walking over and sitting on the coach with Garrett.
“Whatever you know that’s not true. I am going to be living with you and the guys for two months and last time I checked I have like a less then month with Grace.”
“So what do we want to do today Kennedy?’
“How about we pick up John and go out to lunch?” Kennedy said reaching for his keys.
“Ok. What about Jared and Pat?”
“Pat’s with Cassadee, and Jared at some family thing.”
“Are Pat and Cassadee official now?” Garrett asked following Kennedy out front.
“No they agreed just to be friends, and now they hang out all the time.”
Kennedy, John, and Garrett were sitting at the table, Rrambling on about random things when, John turned to Garrett and asked. “How are you and Grace doing?”
“We’re doing really great. Why do you ask?”
“I was just wondering how she took it they we are going on a two month tour.”
“She took it fine.” Garrett didn’t really know why John cared so much.
“Hey you guys I decide I’m going to throw a party at my house tomorrow night.”
“Sounds fun.” John said taking a drink of his water.

Garrett, his parents and Trey arrived at Grace’s house at about 4:45. Grace answered the door and all the parents were in the kitchen while Grace, Garrett, and Trey all hung out in Graces room.
“Can you two do me a favor and not be all over each other.” Trey sitting on Grace’s desk chair.
“Yeah no problem.” Grace said smiling.
“Trey are you going on tour with Garrett?”
“Yeah someone has to watch this kid.” He said messing up Garrett’s hair.
“Kids dinner.” Ms. Malone said as she walked into Grace’s room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title is from The Summer Set's Begin Again.
So a lot is going to happen in the next chapter.
Please Comment and Subscribe. I would love some feedback.
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