Status: Complete!

Whoever She Is

That's when I'll tell her

Grace sat in her room scrolling through tumblr. She sat there realizing how many The Maine sites she followed, and how much Maine was on her dash. She sat there thinking for a moment and kept thinking should she really keep using tumblr.
The only reason she thought about deleting it because she did not want Garrett thinking she was crazy obsessed with The Maine. She did not want tumblr to end her friendship or whatever she had with Garrett.
Now that she thought about she did not know what was going on with her and Garrett. All she knew is that she liked hanging out with him and she wanted this to continue. So at that moment she made the decision. She moved the mouse and hit delete.

Garrett sat in John’s living room bored out of his mind. The Only thing they talked about was when they were leaving for Warped Tour. This all information he had already knew. He would have liked to stay and hung out with Grace more.
She was all he could think about there was something about her that he was drawn to. Something he could not explain.
Pat and Tim both realized how absent-minded Garrett was. Pat was the first to say something.
“What or who has you all spaced out?” Pat asked.
“He said, why are you all spaced out” Tim said.
“oh nothing.” Garrett said.
“Really nothing?” Tim asked not believing him one bit.
“Who is she?” Pat asked.
“Her name is Grace the girl from family dinner last night.”
“The one who was at the show the other day?” Pat asked.
“I have not seen you like this was since you know who.” Pat said.
This was the first time that even her being mentioned by “you know who” it did not make Garrett feel like he had a hole in his chest. He did not know if Grace had something to do with this or not.
“So when do all of us get to meet her?” Tim then jumped in and asked
“I don’t know. But you guys will get to meet her.” Garrett said with a smile on his face
After Garrett got Pat and Tim off his tail he decided he was going to text Grace.
so how has your day been?
good. how was your meeting? Garrett like that Grace wanted to know how his day was
it was just about when we are leaving for warped tour about 2 minutes later he received another text and saw
oh that’s cool. Are the boys mad you ditched them to hang with me?
no not at all. They actually want to meet you
are you serious? Why would they want to meet me. Grace saying this kinda shocked him. Why won’t they want to meet her?
because you’re my friend why won’t they want to me you?
As Grace sat there reading Garrett’s text he had just sent her. She realized that he called her his friend. This made her realized that Garrett just wanted to be her friend. The thought kinda stung her but at the same time she would be completely fine with just being his friend.
you consider me your friend? she texted him this truly wanting to know the answer. Less then a minute later she looked at her phone to see
of course. I have a lot of fun when I hang out with you. Do you consider me your friend?
well yeah. I feel weird asking you when you leave for warped tour?
why do you feel weird?
because I was fan, and have see you in concert before and its just awkward for me.
don’t feel weird. It’s not like your using me to get to John or something.
I’m not using you in any way
I knew you weren’t, and I leave in about 3 weeks
Really? You know I have never went to warped tour.
really? This will be the first year were I think kids will actually want to see us
really well that sounds fun.
you should go to the Arizona date.
none of my friends can go and I don’t want to go alone.
you should go and we can hang out.
yeah that sounds like a lot of fun.
The two of them texted the whole day about random stuff.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title: This Century (To Love and Back)
My Kennedy Story
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here my John Story I'm posting in the next few days.