Status: Hiatus

Fall Behind Me

An Introduction To Satans Hollow

The scene was dark, about two AM and for fuck knows what reason I was letting some woman drag me outside by my hair.

“You’ve ruined my ‘do, you fuckin’ cock bag!” I yelled, wrenching her hand off with my nails. Seems it took me too long to come my senses.

“You shouldn’t have touched my boyfriend, you whore!” the crazed bovine cried, lunging in my direction. I moved to one side out of the way, re-touching my flattened mass with my red fingernails.

“I didn’t know he had a girlfriend. Go rip his hair out!” I told her, alarmed that this had happened like I’d been warned it would so many times. Not about this particular guy as I’d never seen him before, but that the men roaming Satan’s Hollow were often trouble.

“Not before I’ve torn you a new one,” she decided.

As she came at me again, her boyfriend had come rushing out. He was hot, of course, as if I’d settle for any less, but obviously thick as fuck. I simply stuck my stiletto heeled boot out and watched her crash into the cracked road after tripping over me. Next I walked by her guy, paused then punched him in the face for being mean to her. I walked back to the bouncers who were looking the other way.

“I think they’ve had enough to drink,” my favorite one grinned at me.

“That shit wasn’t my fault right?” I half smiled.

“Didn’t see anything but a drunk girl try to start a fight and fall over.” His partner said.

“You’re the best!” I winked, waltzing inside. I went to the ladies to sort out my messed up style and quickly backcombed it back into place and solidified it with more spray before running to the main bar for some Jager.
My best friend was on the dance floor while Pantera played through the speakers and I ordered my drink.

“Where did you go?” she strode over after the song.

“For a cig,” I told her, “I’m not drunk yet!” I exclaimed.

“Shots?” she grinned pulling out a note of money.

“Shots!” I nodded grinning.


It was weekend again and we had a metal club to cause chaos in.

“Do you wanna go Fifth with me tonight?” Elaine, Brit’s frenemy asked us on the bust ride. We looked at her blankly.

“I don’t want to get aurally raped thanks,” Brit stated seriously.

“I don’t fancy a bunch of gay boys leering at me to top that off either.” I answered.

“Yeah…leering.” Elaine commented.

“Ok, ok, I don’t want to scare anymore people than I have to.” I sneered.

I was clad in six-inch glittery stripper shoes and pretend leather leggings. I wore a custom Rob Zombie vest under a leather jacket, which I’d pulled the sleeves up to my elbows to show off my tattooed forearms, also adorned with all manner of bracelets and wristbands, complimenting my mismatched fishnet glove and red leather studded biker glove. I wore several necklaces and my makeup consisted of shocking red lipstick and blush with heavy black eyes as always under my thick black fringe, which fronted my severely solid, and huge backcombed hair.
Brit always wore as much black as I but plainer, she didn’t need to accessorise to the hilt but I always wanted to dress her up in my style. Her buckled platforms were about six inches tall too but her long dyed black hair was sleek, shiny and tame. Brit looked way calmer than I, but underneath we were just as wild as each other.
Elaine was nothing like us. She had on flat pumps, scruffy skinny jeans [scruffy can only be pulled off when its in punk context. Fact.], a plain purple vest and a pale pink hoodie. Her hair was short and dyed orange and her glasses didn’t suit her as they were too big for her small face.

“Alright, alright, just a suggestion!” She said as if she was offended, but we didn’t care.

“Hope there’s no more fights tonight,” I sighed, puckering my best filthy pout in my compact mirror.

“What do you mean any more?” Brit looked at me, “You had another didn’t you? I knew it!” she grinned.

“These things happen, besides it didn’t really get to that point of being called a fight,” I shrugged, “Must say I’m pissed that all the hot ones seem to be scum bag cheaters.”

“They aren’t hot, Sin, you don’t know what hot is,” she rolled her eyes.

“Since when did we agree on that?” I replied.

We arrived at the pub for an hour of pre-drinks before it was time to hit our place. As soon as we entered our song was on, Buckcherry’s Crazy Bitch. So we danced at the bar excitedly while waiting for our drinks and first five shots of Aftershock.

A few hours later we’d spoken to everyone we knew, a few randomers, danced a lot and drank even more. By half two, nearing three, there was a group of stupid kids in trainers and shorts at the bar causing chaos and keeping the bar staff from serving me by taking all of their attention with fussy drink orders. I was getting pissed off very quickly. I almost put my face on the bar, but it was covered in spilt shots and pints so I stopped shot.

“Sin, what do you want?” a voice shouted over the music.

“Oh, Chris!” I gasped “Usual Jager and coke. But four shots of apple too please,” my favorite bartender came to my rescue. I paid for my liquids, took all four shots and turned to face the dance floor my main Jager.

“Nice hair,” a guy appeared at my side, looking ready for a drink. He was a bit taller than me in my ridiculous heels, his dark hair hung across his face slightly and reached his shoulders almost. That’s the first thing I always notice [ok I mentioned height first but I was thinking hair first].

I sighed, “Thanks,” with a smile before sipping my drink, “Not bad yourself.”

“Thanks,” he grinned before leaning over to get his drink.
He continued to almost flirt with me ‘til a girl wandered over in a loose patterned dress and leggings. She shot me a glare before leaning to speak to him.
Not again.

“See you later maybe,” he nodded to me before leaving.

I glared back at this random girl as she glared at me. I can’t stand people glaring at me for no reason.
I went over to Brit on the dance floor as a Murderdolls tune came on. We danced like crazy motherfuckers and I could see we were both quite drunk. I was air-guitaring and shaking all over the place while she was just all over the place. Next, Moonshine by Hardcore Superstar came on and I went mental, downing my drink and throwing myself onto Brit. She didn’t know the song but danced along anyway. I noticed the guy from the bar make his way over and that was ok, he was kinda hot. Then the song of the night came on, Kickstart My Heart by the almighty Crue. By now this guy was right by me, he grabbed my hand and spun me. I spun into him accidentally. I began my geeky air-guitaring and screamed every word as he did the very same. Very cute. I glanced back at Brit who was copping off with a guy we knew. I shrugged with a grin, turned back and continued my cavorting.

Once the song had finished I ran to the bar, followed by my new friend. I got my usual then turned to him with a giddy expression, “I’m Sin,” I put my hand out.

“I’m Jake,” he grabbed my hand and pulled me forward to kiss my cheek. I grinned at him uncontrollably. It was probably the alcohol but he seemed to be getting more and more appetising.

“I need some air, help me finish this,” I said before drinking about half the cup full and motioning for him to take it. He finished it for me and took my hand, leading towards the exit.

Before we got halfway there Pour Sugar On Me by Def Leppard came on making us both stop. We turned to face each other and simply had to dance to this before going for air. By the time we did get outside, we were attached. I was so drunk but it didn’t matter cos this was cool.

“Oh my god! Jake!” I heard and slowly stopped making out to blink at whoever was shouting.

“Brit?” I recognised as she ran over.

“Sin? I should have known!” she pouted.


“You know her?” Jake looked between the two of us.

“Know her! She’s my Sin.” Brit informed him. “What are you doing? You know how Shelly feels!” she was getting quite worked up.

“It’s not my fault. I told her it’s not happening,” Jake responded slowly.

“You could still be a bit better about it when she is right over there!” Brit pointed to the car park across the road.

“Oh shit,” he mumbled quietly.

“Typical!” I sighed breaking from his hold and making my way towards the entrance of Satans.
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Okkkkk thats the starting point. I have more to share which should follow shortly. I was gonna finish it and make it into a so-many-parts story but looks like It's gonna be too long for that.