‹ Prequel: Weapon of Choice
Status: Completed!

Inside Your Eyes

Just This Once

My eyes had glazed over. Moving back into my room was easy and quick. Considering I had no possessions with me, I just walked into the room I had previously stayed and arranged things to my liking.

"Why so glum Ms. Conway?"

"Please call me Maya...I don't think I'm your master or anything."

"Well then, what's wrong Maya?"

"This," I gestured to the room around me.

"Would you prefer a different room?"

"No, the whole day. I feel as though I am being too dependent. You know, suffocated back to the the 1940s when all women did was stay at home and cook or clean. I really am grateful to Bruce, but I want to be self-sufficient for once."

"For what you have been put through, I'd imagine you to be afraid of being alone."

I stopped. He caught me! He'll find me out and turn me over to the police! Why am I panicking? Isn't that what I originally wanted? "I am leery of being alone, but all this is too much for me."

"May I suggest a job? I'm sure Wayne Enterprises has an opening for something."

"Anything I'd be able to do? I mean, I have my high school diploma and but not further experience. I've also been out of a job for over a year." My mind flicked back to the waitressing job I held for those four years to keep anyone from suspicion.

"Master Wayne can always use a new receptionist. You seem a great deal more mature than the previous ones he hired. You're also organized."

"True," Living the life of a criminal means you have to inspect every move everyone makes, yours especially. "It'd be a start," I sighed happily and sat on the bed Maybe things will get better...


The next morning I opened my eyes to see an all too familiar room I'd inhabited for the past five years, "This place needs color," I ran my fingers over the white wall which began to crack, "Huh?" The crack grew until it ran in a jagged line up and down the wall, "I have got to tell Alfred about this." My head turned towards the door, "Alfred! Something's wrong!"

"Something's always wrong! Isn't it!" the familiar voice came from nowhere.

"Who is that?"

"Life is never good enough, so you run."

The voice was coming from behind the cracked wall, "Show me who you are!"

The cracks in the wall spread before a terrible explosion shook it to the ground. The dust slowly cleared before I could see a faint, female figure, "Don't you remember me?" Blonde hair reached past her shoulders, "The unfortunate friend who never questioned your happiness."

"Lisa? I swear I have gotten better! I'm neutral now!"

"You let me die!"

"I fought as hard as I could for you!"

She began to scream loudly. Lamps breaking, the room rumbling as if an earthquake was passing through. Her image began to distort, like static interference on a television, "That ought to shut you up!" a harsh voice of The Joker interrupted.

"So, you did kill her? Perfect way to deceive!" Cordelia happily walked out of the empty pit that used to be my bed, "Come with me."

"With pleasure. I used you Maya," he took Cordelia by the waist, "We all did!"

My mouth hung open, "I'm an idiot. A dumb struck idiot," I fell to the ground. I stared at the dirt long enough that it turned to glass. I stared at the reflection of my former self. Teeth knocked out, wearing worn out clothes, and scratched hands from doing work.

"That's all you are. Always have been a worker. I only chose you because you fit the profile and were an easy lay."

I closed my eyes. Tears slid out without my permitting them, "Nothing..." My hand formed a fist and I punched at the ground, "My life..." the glass began to crack. The whole world began to shift and break until I found myself falling into nothingness, "This is what I want...to be forgotten."

End Dream

I jolted awake and my eyes flew open, "Falling dreams. Stress?" I sighed, "Maybe." Without warning my eyes began to water and began to choke back a sob. I took the pillow and pressed it against my face so no one would hear. It was the first time I had come to terms with my hurt. Just this once I'll cry, but never again...never again.