‹ Prequel: There and Back
Sequel: Better Than Revenge
Status: total rewrite, but i will post with 5 commentors!

Memory Lapse

Hate is a strong word. But it works

Have I mentioned how much I absolutely HATE Daphney Whinter? Because of that stupid bitch, Jacob didn't even tell me why he rushed me away from my house. He didn't go into any details because the second the Rabbit pulled up in front of his house, he was tending to Daphney. I really wish she had died from her little ‘accident’.
"Oh my god! Lizzy, are you okay?" Leah demanded as soon as she walked in the door. She pulled me into a hug almost as if she was afraid I might disappear at any moment.
"I'm fine," I muttered. Physically, I was perfectly okay; emotionally, however, was a completely different story. I was tired and freaked and just plain pissed.
"'Kay, well you didn't tell me over the phone what happened so tell me now."
"I don't even know for sure. I was just in Jake’s car when he went berserk.”
Leah scowled. “Well let’s ask him. Jake! Get your ass in here!” she called down the short hallway.
“What?” he demanded. “I’m a little busy right now so this had better be good.”
Her blazing brown eyes narrowed dangerously. “It’s important, asshole. What happened at Lizzy’s?”
“Jake?” Daphney croaked, hobbling up behind him. “Jakey, what’s going on?”
“Oh brother,” I mumbled under my breath.
“Hey, have a little sympathy. She was just attacked,” Jake snapped at me.
I clamped my teeth together but that only lasted a second. “Listen here, Jacob, you don’t want to know how many times I’ve been attacked but I’ve never turned into the victim. And in case you’ve forgotten, I’m on lockdown because a vampire tried to kill me. You were just at my house and you know something’s wrong but the second this little bitch comes alone I get thrown to the side like garbage.”
Daphney’s muddy brown eyes widened in faux horror and Jacob started growling. “Is it my fault that you lost your boyfriend?” she sneered.
I lost it. I took one step to close the distance and my fist flew forward right into her terrible nose-job. She gasped, the only real emotion I’d ever seen her have, and her hands snapped up to cover the blood dripping out. “Screw you, whore,” I hissed icily. I turned to Jacob who was shaking from anger. “And shut the fuck up, Jacob. I’m not scared of you or anyone else, for that matter. If you want her, fine, have her. I just want you both to know something. I’m a bitch and I get even on fuckers like you.”
I had the satisfaction of seeing Jacob’s face go into complete shock before I spun around on my heel and stomped out of the little red house. Fine, if Daphney wanted a war then she was going to get one.
“You okay?” Leah asked gently.
“I’m fine. Can you take me to the Cullens' so that we can talk to Carlisle? I’m not going to deal with Jacob when I have important things to do. We need to figure out who was at my house that was able to freak him out so badly."
"Sure. I’ll call Tony to have him meet us over there."
I sighed. "So we have a vampire that can see the future and one that can see the present. Unfortunately we need one that can see the past so that we can find out who the fuck was at my house!" I knew that I was wrong to be getting upset but I was seriously annoyed and scared shitless, although I would never admit to the second one.
"Hey, Lizzy," Leah said with her hand on my shoulder, "we will find out who it was. You've got nothing to worry about."
I snorted. "Of course I don't," I muttered. "I've just got some psycotic vamp stalking me and a slut stole my fiancé. There's absolutely nothing to worry about, huh? Leah, just admit that my life sucks. I just, I want my life to go back to how it was before I came here. Things were so much less complicated when all I had to worry about was getting arrested.”
My best friend frowned. “Then we wouldn’t have met. Look Lizzy, I know that being you is shit sometimes, but for everyone else, having you makes things so much better. I really don’t know what I’d do without you.”
I shot her a smile and wiped tears from the bottom of my eyes. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. If it wasn’t for all of you, I’d probably have royally fucked up my entire life by now. I guess my baby isn’t the only good thing I’ve got going on right now.”

What. The. Fuck?
Elizabeth Swan was scary when she wanted to be. She yelled at me without a second thought. Had she not noticed how close I was to phasing? It seemed like every time I saw her, there was something more surprising, more to think about her.
And man, could she land a punch. Yeah, I was pissed that she’d hit Daphney, but wow. Whoever her boyfriend was was completely retarded for leaving her. Why hadn’t she come along before I’d imprinted on Daphney?
♠ ♠ ♠
wow, i actually like this chapter. hope you guys do, too. i agree about what a lot of you have said about it dragging (mostly fillers trying to get to the big ending) so i hope this one was better. who agrees with jake that he's an idiot? lol.
well, thank you to my AMAZING readers/ commentors: clearlyconfused, Art_Flavor, xoxogal404, JustThinking, ShadowArcher
i <3 you guys. ps: ideas for baby names? i had one but i'm changing so much of this story it won't work anymore!