Cross my heart hope to die

Missing phone

I walked down the lonely streets cars passed by slowly. Can you believe it five hundred and sixty years alive and I’m still not use to those things? I stepped to the side to let a man by his clothes were shredded like he had just gotten attacked. I looked to the opposite side of the road; a girl was looking frantically through her purse. Her black hair was flying with the wind and her black cocktail dress hitched a little on her thighs.

“Excuse me!” She called out looking at me her blue eyes shining in the dark. I sighed didn’t your mother tell you not to talk to strangers? I thought to myself as she walked across the street towards me. I stopped walking and waited for her to reach me.

“Yes.” I said smoothly

“Do you have a phone I’ve seemed to have lost mine?” She said putting her arm through the whole in her purse.

“Sorry I don’t," I said pulling out my pockets. She muttered something and brushed back her hair, sighing, causing smoke to go up in the air.

“I have one,” Someone said behind me, I turned around to see Adam, his blonde hair covering half of his face. A smirk played on his lips as he handed her the phone.

“This is mines thank you!” She smiled opening the light blue phone. The blue under light shone on her face enhancing her features. She closed it and looked at us. “Thank you so much I’m Nadia.” She said extending a hand to Adam he took it happily.

“I’m Adam.” He replied I glared at him; he stepped back a little as if he was scared. “This is my brother Jake.” He said pointing at me, she smiled wider and nodded. Her phone rang disturbing all of us. She opened it and reading what seemed like a text.

“Well it was nice to meet you two, but I have to go.” She said putting her phone in her bra, turning to the side, and walking off.

“Nice.” Adam mumbled zipping up his black jacket, following her.

“Adam.” I said following him.
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ooh someone has a crush!