Cross my heart hope to die


I walked down the street, to Queens the new night club my best friend owned.

“Hey babe!” he yelled giving me a hug; he wore baggy jeans and a long blue and white shirt.

“Hey Charles.” I said putting my arm around his shoulder. We walked over to a table where all my friends sat.

“Hey Nadia!” Everyone yelled over the music. I waved and sat next to Natasha, her red hair was pulled into a half pony-tail and she wore a shiny silver dress. I looked across from me where Kris sat he smiled at me making me giggle. His black and blue hair cut short, not even reaching his eyes. Then there was Tracey, the wicked witch of the east, she smirked at me her hair was in a pony tail and a blonde bang covering one of her eyes.

“So Tracey you and Charles?” I asked looking at her, her eyes widened and a smile replaced her smirk.

“Yuppers!” She yelled grabbing her drink and taking a swig. I smiled and stood up to take off my jacket. My black cocktail dress was hitched up on my thighs; I pulled it down to my knees and sat down back in my place.

“Umm Adi I think you have some stalkers.” Natasha said pointing over to the bar. I turned my head and saw two men. The two men I had just left on the sidewalk down the street.

Jake’s p.o.v
“You know it’s not right to stalk people.” I told Adam he smirked and took a drink of his beer.

“Well if the victim is hot then it’s okay in my books.” He said tuning towards me on the bar stool. “Maybe you should go home I know it’s past your bed time.” He joked. I looked at the clock it was eleven, the night was just beginning.

“Hey.” Someone said I turned my chair to face away from the voice.

“Hey.” Adam said. I could almost feel the smirk.

“This is my friend Natasha.” The girl said, that was when I turned around as saw the girl from earlier, I could tell she found out about her dress because it was pulled down to her knees. The red head that stood next to her was shaking Adams hand, lust filled her hazel eyes. She turned towards me and winked, I swear I almost threw up in my drink. Instead I smile politely back and turned my attention to Nadia, who was no longer standing next to her friend but sitting at a table with two other people.

“You wanna dance?” A girl asked her hands were on her hips, as if it were going to bring up her sex appeal. I shook my head no and turned back to my drink.

“Hey bro, Natasha and I are going to head out and you know.” He said grabbing Natasha’s hand, and walking out the bar. I stood up and walked over to the table that Nadia was sitting at.

“Come on.” I said to Nadia, she looked at me then to where I was sitting just a few minutes ago.

“Where’s Natasha?” she asked, her face had an unsure look.

“With my brother now can we please go and stop them before something bad happens?” I said getting really annoyed. We didn’t have enough time for questions either she would have to hurry up or her friend would be dead by the next hour.
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number two. Looks like someone's in trouble.