Cross my heart hope to die

What happens when friends go missing

I sighed and got up, I was tired of people telling me what to do especially people I didn’t know. He led me outside; the cold air hit me in the face as soon as I reached the door.

“What’s so bad that I have to come?” I asked following him as he walked down the sidewalk. “I’m cold.” I whined. He just kept walking down the sidewalk as if I wasn’t there.

First he brings me out here then he ignores me. I thought to myself.

Until my phone rang out, it read Tasha. “Hello.” I answered putting the phone to my ear.

“Nadia help.” She said, in a monotone her breath was hard as if she had been running.

“Where are you?” I asked, as Jake looked as if he was about to kill someone.

“Umm down the street from the club on Newberry Street.” She said before the line went dead.

“Shit” I muttered, and then looking at the sign, we were two blocks away we could make it.

“Where is she?” Jake asked, he looked as if he was about to break a blood vessel, I looked at him.

“Newberry Street.” I answered, he looked at the street sign and started running, I followed. “Wait” I yelled I could barley see him. I tuned down the street to see, Adam and Jake fighting while Natasha was laid down gently on the concrete.

“Get her.” Jake managed to say as he was slammed down on the ground. I grabbed the pale girl, sweat dripped down her face and her breath was fast.

“I need your help.” I told her as I put my arm around my waist and hers around my shoulder.

She opened her mouth but all that came out was spit. I grabbed my phone and dialed 9-1-1. I couldn’t let her die she was my best friend. I checked back on the fighting brothers who seemed to get more violent every minute. I could feel Natasha getting colder; her heart was slowing down as tears ran down my face.
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okay this is just trying to jump start the rest. I was watching 30 days of night and i just felt like writting for some reason. :)