Cross my heart hope to die

Cry your little heart out

“She’s dead.” She whispered, putting her hand over the lifeless body. “She’s dead.” She said again letting out more tears.

“Nadia we have to go.” I said pulling on her shoulder she shook her head no.

“She’s dead.” She murmured again, as the sobs got greater. I pulled on her shoulder again she still didn’t move, just said the same thing over ad over again. I sat next to her letting her rest her head against my shoulder.

Finally the police arrived with the ambulance and hauled the body off.

“Do you need a ride home?” I asked, she only nodded, she really hadn’t said a word since the cops arrived.

I picked her up bridal style and walked down the street to my car.

“Where do you live?” I asked

“Umm York Strasse” she murmured, putting her head on the window pane.

“do you..” I started, it's just something about her that makes me want to help, makes me want to know what she's feeling.

“No.” she cut me off. We finally arrived at her house and I let her out.

“Thanks” she said giving me a weak smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay this one is short but the next one will be longer.