Cross my heart hope to die

Love life and let life love you

“Nadia.” My mother knocked on my door for the fifth time this morning.

“Nadia get your ass out here!” my sister yelled

Why can’t they just leave me alone? I thought to myself before hearing my sister huff and stomp away.

“Dia come out.” The sweet voice I could never say no to came from the other side of my cream colored door. “Mama and Lavinia are gone I swear please open the door.” He begged.

I walked to the door and sat down.

“Martius.” I whispered loud enough for him to hear me. I could hear him chuckle from the other side.

“God I hate that name.” He laughed.

“Martian I miss her, I mean right now we would be at the mall, and she would be dragging me through all the stores even though we went there the day before.” I laughed at the small memory.

“I remember when dad died.” He said “We were playing at the lake. Remember Lavinia was it and you decided to hide right behind dad.” He laughed. “Then all of a sudden he fell into the water, I was so scared it was you.” He sniffed; I could tell he was crying.

“Yeah I remember, you were running around calling my name, but all I kept telling you was that dad went for a swim and he wasn’t coming back up.” I finished.

“Yeah and you were strong through that be strong now remember what dad always use to say.” He whispered

“I don’t think “don’t let the man take you down” is right for this situation".I laughed

“Not that I mean das Leben lieben und es dich lieben lassen. Eine Sache dich nicht senken lassen.”

“Love life and let it love you, don’t let one thing bring you down.” I whispered, I had written it on my mirror and wrote it down so many times that it was etched on my brain, so I’d always remember when something went wrong.

I opened my door and gave the twenty-seven year old a hug.

“Love you Martian.” I whispered, whipping a tear off his face.
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okay this one is kind of sad i showed it to my friends and they had tears running down their faces even my friend Natasha who won't talk to me because i killed her off was crying.