Sometimes It Hurts Instead


We became friends in eighth grade. We were both the loners, the rejects, the quiet ones. We were both put into the "special math" class because we were both, and still are dumbasses. Oh well, that's happens sometimes right? Our class of sixteen dwindled down and down until there was only eight of us. Or was it seven? Who cares anyways. 

In ninth grade, you were nervous to start at a new school. But you made new friends quickly. Pretty much tossing me to the side for a while. Brittany and Sabrina were your new besties. But that only lasted for a week or so. 

Then you invited them to my house. We all hung out an grew closer. In eighth grade I knew brittany, through Adriana of course. We weren't close though, not until you became close with her first. 

I was so damn jealous of you. Mostly because you're too damn pretty. And because you can make friends like that. All you do is smile and people pretty much instantly adore you. 

Its so unfair, but I guess that's why they say life is so unfair. Am I right?
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First chapter. Obviously. So I intend to be brutal and totally honest. If you dont like it. Don't read it. If you want to leave comment. Thanks :)