Status: On hold for now, siffering from writers block.

Standing in the Rain

Birthday (part 1)

Birthdays, for a long time, were never a big deal. When I was younger they were, but after my parents started drinking they didn’t matter to me that much anymore. Every year, if not on the actual day of my birth, I would come over to Ryan’s house at his request, and there would be a cake for me and a few presents. His parents would silently wonder over the years why their little boy was never invited to his best friends birthday parties. He knew I didn’t have them and why. He just told them I didn’t have them. This birthday however was different.

Looking at the walls around my room I could tell the sun had been up for quite some time. Shit, shit, shit. I was going to be late for school. I jumped out of bed forcing myself not to look at the clock. I didn’t need to know just how late I was. I quickly pulled a tank top from my new closet and a pair of shorts from the dresser and flung them on. I grabbed my deodorant swiped some on and threw my long black hair into a bun. I flung my back pack on, slipped on my flips flops and raced down the stairs.

“Where’s the fire?” Dave asked over his paper. He had his glasses on, something he only wore in the morning or late at night.

“I’m late for school.” I said. I thought it was pretty obvious. He sipped his coffee and watched me carefully as I plucked Ryans hoodie off of the island. “Why didn’t anyone wake me? And where is Ryan?”

“Tallie,” Dave said slowly, “you aren’t going to school today. We called the school and told them you and Ryan were sick.” I stared at him bug-eyed. I never missed school. “After yesterday, and today being your birthday after all, we figured you could use a day to just have fun.”

“Right.” I responded as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. I put the hoodie back on the counter along with my back pack. I looked down and realized what I was wearing. I didn’t match and my shirt was on backwards. “I’m gonna go back upstairs and re-attempt this whole waking up and getting dressed thing.”

“You do that.” He laughed lightly “Oh, and Tallie?” He said as I turned to leave. “Happy birthday.” I thanked him and made my way back up stairs.

I went back into my room and peeled my shirt off and hung it back up, then decided to go through my closet before landing on a green tube top. I threw it on my bed and began going through my drawers looking for my white shorts.

“Knock-kn-” Ryan was in the doorway as I stood there with just shorts and a bra. I had forgotten to shut the door. His face flushed and he left the room closing the door behind him. I changed and stuck my head out the door.

“I’ll be out in a minute.” I called across the hall to Ryan’s room. I went back in my room and decided that knots may not be the best thing for my hair. I doused it with detangler before brushing it out and braiding it to the side so it hung over my shoulder. I made sure to grab my new phone as I left my room.

“Are you decent?” I asked my eyes closed walking into Ryans room.

“Amazingly, I don’t leave the door open when I change.” He replied. I opened my eyes and smiled.

“You’ve seen me in a bathing suit.” I rolled my eyes and sat in his desk chair. “Pretty much the same amount of stuff showing.”

“It’s different.” I looked at him, his face a tint of pink.

“How?” I picked up his sunglasses and put them on top of my head.

“It just is.” He sighed, his face getting a little darker. I laughed and shook my head before walking out of the room.

“I thought I heard a birthday girl.” Linda smiled as I reached the bottom of the stairs. She kissed my cheek. “Happy birthday baby girl.” I thanked her as Ryan came noisily down the stairs. “Ryan dear, you’re not an elephant so quit walking like one.”

“Yes Mom.” He faked a pout before going over to kiss her cheek. “Good morning.” I suddenly smelled bacon and followed my nose into the kitchen. Dave stood at the stove, a gloriously huge pan of bacon in front of him. Next to him on the counter was a large bowl of scrambled eggs, a plate full of pancakes, and another of toast.

“You.” He pointed the tongs at me. “Outside.”

“What? Why?”

“Because I know you and you’re going to try to help.” He grabbed the towel hanging over the oven door handle and whipped it out at me. “You aren’t allowed to today, though tomorrow feel free to help.” He winked at me with a large grin on his face. I did as I was told and went out to the back porch. The table was already set up with plates, silverware, juice, butter, and a bowl of strawberries. I picked on up and bit into it. Linda and Ryan came out, each holding one of the foods that had been inside. A moment later Dave came out with the bacon.

“Any big plans for today?” His parents asked. I shrugged. My original big plan for the day was school.

“We’ll think of something.” Ryan winked at me. A phone started ringing and I looked around waiting for someone to answer it. “Tallie.”

“What?” I was putting a small mound of bacon onto my plate. “Did I take too much?”

“No, answer your phone.” Oh. Right, I had a phone now.

“Hello?” I asked. The only people that could have known the number were sitting in front of me. His parents smiled at the confused look on my face.

“Is this Tallie Sullivan?” A gruff voice said. I told him it was. “And you are staying at the Evans residence?” Again I told him I was. “Are you home? I knocked but no one answered, and I really need you to sign for this.”

“One second.” I hung up the phone and looked at the people around me, all with the same goofy grin. “There’s a guy out front that wants me to sign for something?” Ryan stood up and held out his hand.

“Then let’s go.” I took his hand and followed him into the house and to the front door. The man held out a clipboard to me and a pen.

“Sign on the X please.” I did as he said and handed it back to him. “Here are the keys miss. Have a nice day.” I looked at the keys in my hand. They looked suspiciously like car keys. I looked into the driveway and saw The Thing painted a beautiful avocado green.

“No. Way.” I whispered. Ryan heard me and laughed.

“It’s yours. Trust me, no one else here would want that car.” Dave and Linda came up behind me.

“Like it?” I hugged them both really tight.

“I love it. Thank you thank you thank you!” I had never been more happy I forged my parents signature to take drivers ed and get my license than I was now. I remembered the breakfast on the table and pocketed the keys.

“You don’t want to take it out now?” Ryan asked. My stomach rumbled.

“We have all day to do that.” I said walking towards the backyard. “Right now I need to eat.”
♠ ♠ ♠
For those of you that don't know what 'The Thing' is. It's this really awesome car Volkswagen made. Google it.

Also, if at some point I gave a character a different last name and changed it I'm sorry.

This chapter was also pretty much just a filler, another reason it's quite short. The second part of her birthday will be a lot more... eventful.

Comments are always welcome :)
