Status: Active (:

What Will Happen If I Stay?

Zacky is pissed.

Zacky was really mad.

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I made this for a reason, and that was to apologize to Maddie.

We got in a huge fight, so I made her character a whore (trust me, there was more coming up about her) and I found out that her Grandmother passed away the night I updated that.

I really loved her Grandmother, that explains why I'm crying as I write this, and Maddie spent EVERY DAY with her Grandma, and she's extremely upset.

She read this chapter and she reads all of my stories because she thinks I'm a good writer, and it makes me really upset that I wrote those things about her in the heat of the moment, and even worse because her grandma died.

So this is for Maddie, my best friend.

I'm sorry I did those things, and talked shit and put you down. I never would of done it if I would of known what would happen in the long run. I love you, you're my best friend, and I'm truly sorry about your Grandma and what I said, and I can only hope you will forgive me.

ANNNDDD..... Everyone who has a facebook, look up Madison Page on facebook, she's got brown hair and a pink background her profile gots some country xD

Send her a message with your deepest sympathy and tell her I (Tia) sent you here.

Love always, Tia (foREVer a Fiction)