A Daydream Away

Chapter 2

I kept going in and out of the real world and into my own little world. I would hear Alex yelled. "I need a paramedic now!" Then I would slip into my own little world. The last time I woke up was in the Ambulance with them taking care of my head and my arm that got broken. "Hey your awake."I heard someone say. I looked over and it was Alex Gaskarth my hero who saved my life. "Yeah."I said in a raspy voice. "They said you could get out in a little bit once you get fluids in your system."Alex said. I smiled at him. "I'll make it up to you. How about you and Buffy come on tour with us we can even go to your house and let you pick your stuff up."Alex said with his head in his hands staring at me for my answer.

"Sure."I whispered. "Great let me go tell the guys."He said and got up but I grabbed his hand. "Don't leave yet I don't want to be alone."I whispered. "Sure."He said sitting back down. Jack came into the ambulance with Buffy by his side. "Is she okay?"Buffy asked. "Yeah she's fine she just needs to rest for a while."Alex said. "Thank goodness!"She said and took a deep breath. "Hey I told Hannah that I would make it up to her. How about you and her go on tour with us?"Alex said to Buffy. "That would be awesome!"She said and I smiled. "Okay she can go now. Make sure she get's plenty of water and make sure she eats light for then day or so."The paramedic told Alex. "Okay."Alex said picking me up and telling them 'Thank You' and walked to the bus with me in his arms.

"First we needs both of your addresses. We need to let you get your stuff."Alex said. Buffy and I told him our addresses who he gave to the bus driver and Alex set me down in his bunk. "Hannah give your keys so when we get to your house me and Buffy can get your stuff."Alex said. "But you will see my room."I said groaning. "I don't care really."He said sitting beside his bunk. "If you carry me into my house i will tell you what to pack other than my undergarments and girl things i'll have Buff do that."I said smiling. "You got it."He said as he picked me up and walked off the bus and took me into my house. i lived a lone since my boyfriend moved out a year ago when we broke up because he found someone 'better'.

Alex set me down at the front door so I could unlock the door. I walked inside and that my ex boyfriend was on the couch. "Hey Hannah."He said looking at me. "Troy what are you doing here? I thought you were in California with your 'better' person."I said looking at him. "I came back for you.'He said standing up. "You came at the wrong time. She's going on tour with me."Alex said pulling me close. Alex has a girlfriend what was he doing? I was going to be killed! He put his arm around my waist making sure he didn't hit my broken arm.

"Who are you?"Troy asked Alex. "I'm Alex and Hannah is coming with me so if you don't mind we have to pack her bags so she can come with me."Alex said pushing me to the stairs. "Hold on. Hannah why are you going with him?"Troy asked. "He saved my life and uh he's the lead singer to my favorite band and he's really nice."I said and walked up the stairs. I heard Troy huff and walk out the door and slam it. "I thought you had a girlfriend Alex.'I said while he helped me up the stairs. "I do I just wanted to hurry up with the bag thing."Alex said while Buffy walked in and yelled, "Get the hell away from her you ass hole!" to Troy. "That guy broke into your house while you were away that creep!"She said while she walked past me getting my bags and taking them to my room and packing my things.