A Daydream Away

Chapter 3

I was sitting in the bus in Alex's bunk reading a book with my glasses on. I was reading Harry Potter when Alex comes to his bunk and huffs. "Whats wrong?"I asked not looking up from my book. "Lisa is just making me mad right now. No big deal."He replied. "How is your arm?"He asked. "It's fine. Just hard to get shirts on is all."I replied putting my book down as well as my glasses. He smiled as my phone started ringing, "You Left Me." by The Maine. It was Troy. "He won't stop calling me."I said ignoring the call. "If he calls again i'll take care of him.'Alex replied getting up reaching his hand out to me.

"Where are we going?"I asked letting him help me up. "Just a walk. Buffy and Jack are outside too so we could hang with them. Oh and it's a little cold outside since it rained yesterday and were in New York."Alex said smiling. "Don't worry I'm fine."I replied and followed him outside to find Jack and Buffy playing around with water guns even though it was cold outside. Jack tried to shoot me with one but Alex got in the way. "You can't get her cast wet you idiot!"I yelled and jumped on his back.

"Alex! Get the fuck off of me!"Jack yelled while laughing. "No!"Alex yelled in a creepy voice that made me laugh and smile. Alex got off of Jack's back and walked past me and I followed him. "So how do you like the touring life so far?"He asked me. "I have only been on the bus for two days so I have no idea yet."I said smiling at him. "Well I have a favor to ask you. Vinny needs help with the merch tent so could you help him. You can get the full experience with the touring life too."Alex said looking back at me.

"Sure."I replied looking at the sky. My phone when off then and Alex looked at me. "Here you go."I said and handed it to him. "Hello?"He answered. "Yeah Troy it's me Alex again. Stop calling her! She doesn't want to go back out with you!"He yelled and hung up the phone and handed it back to me. "Thanks. Hopefully he wont call back again."I said laughing putting the phone back in my pocket. "Your welcome."He said turning around and going back to the bus because his own phone was going off. I heard him yell into his phone. I started to walk over to him but Jack took me back into the bus. "I wouldn't mess with him right now. Lisa is making things bad."He said.

A few minutes later Alex walks into the bus with his phone in hand and yelled, "Lisa you get on my nerves so much!" I got up and walked to my bunk. "Hannah wait."He said. i stopped and turned around. "She's a friend Lisa!"He replied to the phone. "Lisa I didn't mean it like that. I'm not cheating."He said into the phone. "Okay, bye."He said into the phone and out it in his pocket and sat down beside me. "Well i'm a single man now."He said crossing his arms. "Is it because of me?"I asked. "No not at all. She was getting annoying anyway so we broke up. Sorry you had to see me like that."He said. "It's okay."I replied and got up. "I'm going to go to bed now."I said while I got my clothes and changed into them and went to my bunk and lied down in it.

All I could think about that night was if Alex was lying about me being the reason they broke up and It hurt me to think that I was right.
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Hannah's Outfit :) Thank you so much for reading my Alex story and thank you Guts-To-Say-Anythin' for reading it and helping me with the link process :)