A Daydream Away

Chapter 5

I was sitting at the merch tent with Vinny watching the boys on stage. "What's up with you?"Vinny asked getting money from a girl in front of us. "Nothing."I said with my head resting on my hand. "Something is up. Tell me."Vinny replied sitting down beside me. "Well Alex asked me out. I turned him down since him and Lisa just broke up a month ago. Plus I really don't feel like getting hurt again."I said still looking at the stage.

"Well I know Alex and he wouldn't hurt you in anyway."Vinny said. "I know. It's just the fact that I would be his second choice over Lisa."I replied. "This song goes out to all the boys out there who love a girl but the girl doesn't love them back."Alex said to the crowd. "He wouldn't."Vinny said. They started playing 'That Girl' and Alex looked at me while he was singing. "He did."Vinny said. "Can I go outside?"I asked him. "Yeah."Vinny replied watching the boys on stage shaking his head.

I walked outside and it was cold since we were in Canada. I heard Alex singing the song from outside and he would put so much emotion into the word, "Bitch". It made me want to cry so bad.

Once the concert was over the band came outside with a hand full of fans. Alex had a girl walking beside him with his arm around her. He was drunk. "You ass hole!"I screamed at him. I walked over to him and slapped him in the face. "Why would you do that!"I screamed at him. "I said the reason why before the song."Alex replied drunk as hell. "Dude that was about her? That's low."Jack replied shaking his head. Vinny came running over and tried to pull me away. "You ass hole! I can't believe you did that!"I yelled at him. Vinny pulled me to the bus with Matt running around stressing about going to the next venue in time.

Matt sat down beside me. "I heard what happened from Vinny. I'm sorry he did that he's still messed up because of Lisa."Matt said. I was crying when Alex came onto the bus alone. "Don't talk to me!"I said and walked to the back of the bus to my bunk and closed it blocking out the rest of the world.
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Sorry I made Alex act that way. He's a very nice person just need this to happen in the story. anyway Comment and Subscribe???