A Daydream Away

Chapter 7

Ever since Alex announced to the band that I was his girlfriend Buffy has always wanted to make me pretty for Alex everyday. She dressed me up again since it was mine and Alex's one month today. "You have to look perfect for Alex today."She said pulling my hair into a ponytail. She put lip gloss on my lips and did my makeup to match my outfit and so that my blue eyes pop out more that usual. "Hello ladies."Alex said behind me. "I wouldn't do that she's working on Hannah!"Jack called. "Yeah get out your not allowed to see her yet!"Buffy yelled and pushed him off the bus.

I was laughing at how mad Buffy can be about makeup and clothes. "Okay now you're done."Buffy said. I looked in the mirror. "I look amazing!"I said hugging her. "Thank you."I said running to the front of the bus and outside. Alex turned around when he heard the door open. There were already fans outside so when they saw me run into Alex's arms they screamed. "You look perfect."Alex said and kissed me. "Hannah! Can I get a picture with you?"A little girl asked from the barricade. "Please?"I asked Alex. He smiled. I ran over there to her. "How are you?"I asked her. "Excited. This is my first concert ever."She replied smiling from ear to ear. "It is? That's awesome."I replied while she handed me her camera. I bent down to her level and smiled into the camera. "Thank you so much. Just for the record I think your a lot better than Lisa."She said. I smiled. "Thank you."I replied and walked back over to Alex.

"Alex this is that girls first concert. Do you think Matt will let her back here?"I asked him. "I don't know how about you ask him."Alex replied. "Okay but you're coming with me."I said and dragged him over to where Matt was. "Matt. I have a favor to ask you. This little girl said this is her first concert can she please come back here? The band isn't doing anything."I said. "I don't know because once she goes everyone else will want to come over."Matt said. "Please."I asking pouting. "Fine but just her."He said. I jumped up for joy and walked back over to her. "How would you like to meet All Time Low?"I asked. Her face lit up with joy and she nodded. Alex walked over and helped her over the barricade. "What's your name?"He asked her. "Lisa."She replied and looked down. "Hey you are nothing like the Lisa I know so don't worry."He told her and hugged her.

"Can I get a picture with you two?"She asked us. "Sure."Alex said bending down to her height and called Jack over. I also bent down to her height while Jack took the picture. "Thank you."She said hugging me. "You're welcome."I said hugging her back. She got pictures with all the band got to talk to all of them and then it was time for the hustler meet which was the first one Alex wouldn't let me join. I kissed him goodbye and walked over to the merch tent and hung out with Vinny until the set started.
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This is a filler chapter sorry :/