A Daydream Away

Chapter 8

Vinny and I were sitting and talking waiting for the crazed fans to come in here and buy shirts and bracelets. Alex came up behind me and put his arms around my chest and held me close. "Hello there."I said looking up at him. He smiled and kissed me. "Why didn't you let me into the hustler meeting today?"I asked turning around. "You'll see."Alex said walking away for wardrobe with Buffy and the band. "This is going to bug me to no end."I said crossing my arms. "Not one for surprises huh?"Vinny asked. "Not at all."I replied sitting back down.

It was an hour later when All Time Low came on stage and started playing. I was smiling at how Alex was through the whole set and kept looking back at me. Danny came out from the side and set two stools on the stage and handed him his acoustic guitar. "Now you guys see the two stools here. Now if you were in the Hustler meeting then you might know what's going to happen here right now. Can I borrow Hannah real quick Vinny?"He asked back to us. Vinny shook his head and pushed me forward.

The whole crowd was looking back at me while I walked up to the stage. Matt helped me up on stage and then walked away quickly. Alex hugged and kissed me. "Now Hannah I know we have only been together for a month but I have to say this. I love you. I saw what you did with Lisa today and I just fell in love with you like the first time I met you. So I'm singing this song to you."He said smiling and started playing 'A Daydream Away'. I was smiling so big at that moment no one could put me down.

When he finished the song he put his guitar down and I ran into his arms. He kissed me and held me close. "Meet me at the bus at the end of the meet and greet after the show."He whispered in my ear and let me go. "Hannah Wright everyone!"He said smiling at me. I waved and walked off stage and back over to the merch tent. "You're the bitch that turned him down and made him sad aren't you?"Someone asked behind me. I turned around and their hand made contact with my face. "Stop it!"I heard a little girl say behind them. It was Lisa. "Shut up and mind your business little girl."The girl said and turn to her. "Don't you dare touch her."I said running in front of her.

They just looked at me. One of them tried to come after me but Vinny stepped in between her and me. "You need to leave."He said looking at them. I turned around to Lisa. "Are you oka-"I tried to say but one of the girls grabbed my pony tail and slammed me down on the ground. Lisa screamed and bent down to me and helped me back up. I walked over to her and punched her in the face. "Don't you ever touch me or talk to girls that way ever again!"I screamed at her. She just stared at me. "Get out!"I screamed at her. She stared at me and got up and spit in my face and walked out with her friend. I sat down because my head hurt. Lisa ran up through the crowd to the side of the stage and told Matt what happened. Matt came running over.

"We need help got call someone."Matt told Vinny. "Lisa thank you so much for telling me what happened. I'll get you something when we get help for Hannah."Matt said helping me up. I then heard the song ended in the middle of it and I saw Alex looking at me with fear in his eyes. "She's fine keep playing."Matt said into the radio to him. "Who did that to her?"Alex said into the microphone. "I don't know the little girl Lisa told me about it."Matt replied. "Lisa come on up here."Alex said. She looked at me and I nodded before Matt helped me walk to the doors. "Lisa thank you so much for telling Matt."Alex said picked her up and hugging her. That was the last thing I remembered before I was taken out of the venue and into the bus with the medics.
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I'm so sorry this took forever!!!