Status: Beginning

It's Us Against the World

Just Driving Through

It was around twelve o'clock. midnight when I almost fell asleep at the wheel. A zombie that I had hit woke everyone up. I opened my mouth to speak, but Lily beat me too what I was going to say.

"Let's find somewhere to stay for the night. Please." We all agreed.

"Okay where are we supposed to go exactly?" Cole asked.

"The girls shrugged and I payed attention to the road. Cole must have been thinking a little because of his concetrated, but empty facial expression. He anwsered his own question, "Let's find a random house? We could board the windows, lock the doors, and make a schedule for night watching."

"You are one smart cookie Cole, "I said as he grinned. "Well It might take us about fifteen to twenty minutes to actually get to the next town. We're still on the highway." I informed them as we passed a sign saying, "50 miles til Austin." They all groaned loudly.

They soon all feel asleep, leaving me the only one awake. I had to stop earlier by a gas stations to fill up on gas and to get a five hour energy. So I didn't fall asleep at the wheel again. It was about five minutes later when I finally saw lights, and large buildings.

"Finally!" I said a little more loudly then I probably should have. Hayley awoke. I felt bad. "I'm sorry."

She looked confused, and her eyes were full of sleep, she also had the imprint of the leather chair on her right cheek, "For what?" she asked.

"Waking you," I admitted.

"Oh that's fine, it just gives me more time with you," she said smiling.

I looked over at her and smiled. Then I looked in the back where Coly and Lily were sitting sitently, and laughed. Lily's head was on Cole's shoulder, and Cole's head was over Lily's. How unlikely. I thought. Hayley must've seen as well because she was giggling along with me.

"Adorable. Get a picture of that will you?" I said smiling. Hayley flipped out her phone and took a picture. Her phone beeped. Dead.

"Ugh," she groaned. "We seriously need too find somewhere to stay. I need to keep in contact with my brother. He's giving me updates on what's going on there."

"Well, we're almost to a city," I said gladly.

"Really?!" She almost squealed.

"Yes. Hayley. We are." I said laughing. She laughed along with me.

I looked back at the road and saw a building. No LOTS of buildings!! We made it!

'Look!" I yelled, waking up Cole and Lily, they opened their eyes groggily and looked up to see the buildings and smiled.

"We made it!" Cole exclaimed.

"Now we just need to find a house. Or a Costco. Haha. We could stay at a Costco and have plnty of food and there's beds there too!" Lily said.

"You know that's a great idea Lily!" She smiled.

I looked out onto the horizon, and it was beautiful for the most part. More zombies were limping, looking extremely confused. It'd be better not to bother them. So i just sped up and went right through them in a search for a Costco.
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I'm SO Sorry that this was late!!